AXA names new board chair – CEO to stay

AXA unveils new board chair – CEO to stay

AXA shareholders approved all resolutions submitted to them by the board of directors at the company’s annual shareholders’ meeting Thursday. This means, CEO Thomas Buberl was reappointed by AXA shareholders as a member of the board of directors, while Antoine Gosset-Grainville was appointed as chairman of the board of directors, succeeding Denis Duverne.

“It is with great emotion that I leave the chairmanship of AXA today,” Duverne said. “I had the privilege of succeeding Henri de Castries in this role and of accompanying Thomas Buberl in his successful transformation of the group, with the support of the board of directors. I would like to express my gratitude to the women and men of AXA. their commitment, their cohesion, and their ability to surpass themselves have always been a source of motivation and pride for me. I am very confident in AXA’s future. The group is solid and strong, with a strategic vision and a purpose adapted to the challenges of our time. It will continue to be able to rely on very high-quality governance and benefit from the talents of Antoine Gosset-Grainville and Thomas Buberl.”

Meanwhile, Gosset-Grainville spoke of his “honor” at moving into the role.

“I would like to thank Denis Duverne and Thomas Buberl for their support and collaboration over the past year,” he said. “Thanks to this well-prepared transition, the board of directors, in support of Thomas Buberl and his teams, remains perfectly equipped to face an uncertain environment and to prepare the group for its long-term challenges.”

Buberl too spoke – both about the change in chairmanship and his own renewal.

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“I would like to express my gratitude to Denis Duverne for his trust and advice over the years,” he said. “The group will long be marked by all that he has contributed throughout his exceptional career. Since 2016, his support has been decisive in driving the group’s transformation. I am very pleased that Antoine Gosset-Grainville will become chairman of AXA, and I look forward to drawing on his experience and vision. I would also like to thank the shareholders and the members of our board of directors for their renewed confidence. I am extremely enthusiastic about starting this new mandate and very optimistic about the future of the group, which has once again demonstrated its strength during the sanitary crisis. All AXA teams are mobilized with me to successfully implement the Driving Progress 2023 strategic plan.”

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Among other resolutions, AXA’s shareholders approved:

The renewal of the term of office of board member Rachel Duan for a term of four years and of André François-Poncet for two years
The ratification of the cooptation of Clotilde Delbos as a board member for the remaining term of her predecessor, until the shareholders’ meeting in 2024 to approve the accounts of the previous financial year
The appointment of Gérald Harlin and Rachel Picard as members of the board for a term of four years
The payment of a dividend of €1.54 per share (about $1.62) per share for the financial year 2021, with payment on May 10