Aviva adds more trades to Commercial Combined

Aviva adds more trades to Commercial Combined

Authored by Aviva

As part of our commitment to stretch the capability of our digital Commercial Combined Insurance (CCI) proposition, we’ve made a number of changes to give you more confidence to place business online.

What’s new?

1. Expanded trade list

We’re continually reviewing quote data to understand where we can open-up the product to provide a better outcome for you online.As part of this process, we’ve identified a number of new trades to be added to our CCI trade list. Increasing the number of accepted trades will allow you to quote for more business online – enhancing the speed of service for you and your clients.

2. Opening up of Leisure

Within the trade list enhancement, we’ve added a number of core trades which means you can now quote for business that’s typically suited to the Pub, Restaurant and Hotel product.The new acceptance rules and questions relating to B&Bs, Guest Houses, Hotels, Public Houses, Restaurants and Wine Bars, allows us to open up our CCI product for Leisure. This gives you more flexibility and simplifies our journey allowing you to quote for more of your clients under one product.

3. Work Away Referrals

We’ve also extended our underwriting appetite further to help reduce the referral rate for a number of trades involving ‘work away’ activity. This change means we’re enabling ‘straight through’ quotes on approximately 85% of the trades affected. This will allow you to trade more efficiently whilst enhancing service levels for more of your customers.

When and where?

To continue to bring consistency between trading channels, these changes have been deployed across both Fast Trade and Acturis eTrade, effective Monday 27 June 2022 for New Business.

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Got a complex risk? Think Digital

The expanded trade list and improved online quotability are the latest developments to our digital CCI product. We’ve recently;

By continuing to widen our appetite and acceptance criteria, we want you to have more confidence in placing your CCI business online.

To help, our investment has also been focussed on underwriting capability, expertise and authority. If your risk doesn’t quite fit online, our dedicated digital underwriters are on-hand to work with you to understand if they can help to get it back online. If they can’t, they’ll look to provide an alternative solution offline.

“I was delighted to work closely with our broker on their CCI case to help secure it within a very tight timeframe. The speed of response we are offering should make our brokers more confident to try online first knowing we’re here to react quickly and offer what is a seamless service” – Claire Guthrie, Commercial Underwriter

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