Arch Re hires Mt. Logan’s Chase as Deputy General Counsel, Capital Partners & Reinsurance

Arch Re, the reinsurance underwriting arm of global re/insurer Arch Capital Group, has hired Nicole Chase who was most recently at Everest’s third-party capital and ILS platform Mt. Logan, as Deputy General Counsel for Arch Re Capital Partners & Reinsurance.
Chase had worked at Everest Group since 2016, first as an Associate General Counsel for Everest Group’s ILS platform, its investment department and corporate finance department, then becoming a Vice President in that role in 2022.
In addition, for the full-time she was employed by Everest, Chase has also been the Chief Legal Counsel and Corporate Secretary of the firm’s third-party reinsurance capital and insurance-linked securities (ILS) investment arm Mt. Logan.
In that role, Chase advised on all legal aspects of the flagship Everest ILS vehicle Mt. Logan Re and represented its Bermuda-based insurance manager Mt. Logan Capital Management in all aspects of the business, including compliance and investor initiatives.
In a LinkedIn post this week, Chase announced her move to Arch Re, as Deputy General Counsel, Capital Partners & Reinsurance.
Arch Re has been expanding its third-party and alternative reinsurance capital business in recent years.
The company offers investors access to the returns of portfolios of reinsurance it has underwritten, sharing risks with third-party investors through insurance-linked securities (ILS) style structures such as the collateralized reinsurance sidecar and special purpose insurance (SPI) vehicle Voussoir Re Ltd.
Arch Re also operates as a facilitator or fronting service provider for collateralized reinsurance transactions for certain ILS funds and investors, to help them access risk more efficiently, while other entities of the Arch Capital Group also sponsor insurance-linked securities (ILS).
As a group, Arch undertakes a wide-range of activities in ILS and third-party reinsurance capital investment facilitation, to which Chase can bring the experience gained in her previous role.