Allianz Legal Protection strikes motor deal with Lawshield

Authored by Allianz
Lawshield UK has chosen Allianz Legal Protection (ALP) to underwrite motor Legal Expenses Insurance (LEI) products.
Part of The Connexus Group, Lawshield UK is a specialist ancillary product provider.
The new partnership will see ALP underwrite LEI for a range of personal lines and motor fleet products.
Steve Rowley, sales and distribution manager at ALP, commented: “We’re delighted to be working with Lawshield, whose expertise in the provision of motor claims handling services is recognised across the insurance sector. The nature of their business partnerships shows how trusted they are to provide high-quality products and claims services.”
Steve added: “At ALP we have a proven track record in providing underwriting capacity for motor LEI solutions to ensure that customers receive a seamless journey following a road accident, and where the LEI policy needs to be called upon, legal representation is provided where needed.”
Ken Specter, managing director at Lawshield UK, added: “We are excited at the opportunity to work with Allianz whose commitment to swift decision making, and service excellence in underwriting will help us develop products and schemes for our existing and prospective partners.
“We believe the Allianz passion for good customer service reflects our own ethos and look forward to progressing our partnership.”