Airmic risk and resilience in a perfect storm report supported by QBE

Airmic risk and resilience in a perfect storm report supported by QBE

Authored by QBE

This survey provides insight into our world, the concerns and priorities of our members, and provides signposts to where Airmic resources and energy should be directed. It affirms that risk professionals are fired-up with the ambition to step up, lean in, and take the responsibility to support their organisations. This isn’t a new ambition, but it’s never been a more urgent one. The turbulence we describe is not going to ease and the perfect storm will quicken and continue to gather force. The 2022 Airmic Annual Survey took place as events in Ukraine were unfolding. As the war and its consequences continue to develop and scenarios emerge, we must add the global and long-term impact of the war to our gathering storm.

Whilst there is a clear commitment of the profession to step up, risk professionals are under pressure to do more with less. As risks increasingly fall outside the scope of traditional insurance covers or the pricing of them makes no business sense, the business models of our partners are adapting. We see the investments our partners are making in risk management services and solutions as a key Airmic member resource.

As we head for choppy seas we believe that the role of Airmic has never been more important. We will continue to take a lead in the development of risk management and insurance as integrated and dynamic professions, working with our members, partners and other stakeholders to lobby, develop and share good professional practice.

To download the Airmic Annual Survey 2022 – A Perfect Storm CLICK HERE

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