Why was Rise of the Guardians a flop?

Why was Rise of the Guardians a flop?

The film’s opening was the lowest DreamWorks debut since Flushed Away. The movie managed to double its $145 million budget, but as a result of high production and marketing costs, it did not turn a profit. The studio reportedly took an $83 million write-down. Nov 12, 2019

How old is Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians?

17 William Joyce has stated that Jack Frost was stuck at the age of 14, but is able to changed his physical age (up to a point) or become younger at will.. On the Rise of the Guardians App, it states: “”Jack Frost has been around for over 300 years, but he is forever trapped at the age of 17.””

Is there an English version of Guardians?

Guardians (English Dub), an action movie starring is available to stream now. Watch it on Redbox. on your Roku device.

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Is the Guardians on Amazon Prime?

Watch The Guardians | Prime Video.

Who are all the Guardians?

Guardians from the movie and the books North/ Santa Claus – Bunny/ E.Aster Bunnymund – Tooth/ Toothiana – Sandy/ Sandman – Jack/ Jack Frost – Pitch/ Pitch Black – Pitch Black the Boogeyman. Ombric – Katherine – More items…

What do the Guardians of the Galaxy do?

The Guardians of the Galaxy are a band of intergalactic outlaws who teamed together to protect the galaxy from planetary threats. In 2014, they managed to save the planet of Xandar from Ronan the Accuser and have been recognized under the Nova Empire.

Who was in the original Guardians of the Galaxy?

The initial roster consisted of Vance Astro, Martinex T’Naga, Captain Charlie-27, and Yondu Udonta. Later members included Stakar Ogord, Aleta Ogord, and Nikki.

Is there cursing in Guardians of the Galaxy?

Is there profanity? There are some uses, but no “F” word. There are three uses of the “S” word, one use of the “B” word as well as some crude terms. There is a scene in which a character gives someone the finger. Aug 1, 2014

What is Star-Lord’s real name?

Peter Quill Leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter Quill, known as Star-Lord, brings a sassy sense of humor while protecting the universe from any and all threats.

What does the Guardians stand for?

The Guardians nickname refers to statues just outside the stadium on the Hope Memorial Bridge. The 43-foot “”Guardians of Traffic”” have stood for nearly 100 years and are meant to symbolize progress and transportation. The four pylons contain one guardian facing each direction for a total of eight designs. Jul 23, 2021

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What does each Guardian represent?

Each of the guardians has a center. It’s what they each put into the world, and what they protect in children. The Easter bunny’s center is hope, which is shown each spring as eggs, which symbolize new life, appear in abundance after the darkness of winter. The sandman’s is sweet dreams. Jun 23, 2018

Who was the Easter Bunny before he was a guardian?

Bunnymund Bunnymund is a Pooka, a philosophical warrior rabbit, and used to live in a village with other Pookas on his homeworld before they were wiped out, leaving him as the only survivor.

What happened to Jack Frost in Rise of the Guardians?

But at that moment, Jack fell through the ice and drowned. However, the Man in the Moon witnessed his sacrifice, and transformed him into a winter spirit with no memories of his past.

Is Santa Russian in Rise of the Guardians?

Alec Baldwin is back on the big screen in DreamWorks’ latest holiday offering, “”Rise of the Guardians.”” In this new animated tale, the “”30 Rock”” star dons a husky Russian accent as the voice of North, a modernized version of Santa Claus, who helps Jack Frost (Chris Pine) battle the evil Pitch (Jude Law), a.k.a. the … Nov 15, 2012

What is the story behind Jack Frost?

Jack Frost is best known in North America and Britain, but has his origins in the ancient Norse figure Jokul Frosti, a wicked frost giant who served as the personification of ice and snow.