What type of word is lives?

What type of word is lives?

Lives can be a verb or a noun.

Where do you live meaning?

Filters. Used to ask where the person lives. phrase.

What is the root word lives?

Middle English liven, from Old English lifian (Anglian), libban (West Saxon) “”to be, be alive, have life; continue in life; to experience,”” also “”to supply oneself with food, procure a means of subsistence; pass life in a specified fashion,”” from Proto-Germanic *libejanan (source also of Old Norse lifa “”to be left; to …

Can you say people’s lives?

“People’s lives” is correct. If ‘People’ is the name of an individual then ‘People’s life’ is correct. If you mean ‘people’ in the normal sense then you are referring to more than one life, so ‘people’s lives’ is correct.

What is the possessive of peoples?

Both words are plural, and both are in the possessive form. However, people’s is the possessive of the word people — the plural of person. In contrast, peoples’ is the possessive of the word peoples — used to refer to groups of people. Aug 9, 2020

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How can you make a difference in people’s lives?

10 Ways to Make a Difference in Someone’s Life Smile! Being friendly to others is a great way to brighten someone else’s day. … Do Some Volunteer Work. … Sponsor a Child. … Donate. … Stop What You’re Doing and HELP. … Team Up with Someone to Live Healthier. … Make a Care Package. … Have an Outward Gaze. Oct 11, 2013

What is the plural form of potato?

potato. noun. po·​ta·​to | pə-ˈtā-tō plural potatoes.

What is the plural of cargo?

cargo. noun. car·​go | ˈkär-gō plural cargoes or cargos.

What is deer in plural form?

deer. / (dɪə) / noun plural deer or deers. any ruminant artiodactyl mammal of the family Cervidae, including reindeer, elk, muntjacs, and roe deer, typically having antlers in the maleRelated adjective: cervine.

When to use live in live on and live at?

Do you live in or at?

“Live in a small village is correct”. When you refer to a large area “in” is used. And if two places are to be used in a sentence and one’s area is smaller than the other you we use “at” before the smaller one and “in” before the larger one..

Should it be our life or our lives?

We have seen many things in our lives. Note that ‘I’ changes to ‘We’ as does ‘my life’ which changes to ‘our lives’. In other words, you would use ‘our lives’ when talking in the plural (‘We’), and ‘my life’ in the singular (‘I’). Can you say: We’ve seen many things in our life together? Aug 5, 2012

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What is plural of knife?

ˈnīf plural knives ˈnīvz

Can we use the before life?

The author is probably talking about a specific career or some other specific way of life that has already been mentioned before in this piece of writing. He uses “”the”” because he’s not talking about life in general. “”The life”” roughly equates to “”lifestyle”” — the conditions in which the individual lives and works. Dec 6, 2014

What is the catch with whole life insurance?

Whole life insurance is more expensive than term life insurance because people with a whole life policy are guaranteed to have a death benefit when they die. Term life insurance, on the other hand, offers level rates for a specific period, such as 20 or 30 years. 6 days ago