What is the official AAA app?

What is the official AAA app?

The Auto Club App puts your favorite AAA services and resources in the palm of your hand. Text APP10 to 86792 and you’ll receive a link to download the app. If you lock your keys in your car, get a flat tire, need a jump start, or break down on the road, we can help, day or night, even if it’s not your car.

How do I cancel my AAA membership and get a refund?

Requesting AAA Membership Refunds Over the Phone Open your AAA regional chapter’s website. Locate the Contact Us page (usually found at the top) Look for Membership Services phone number. Prepare all the necessary information, including your contact details and membership number. More items…

How do I delete my AAA account?

The primary member can only process cancellation requests in My Account, or by calling AAA at (800) 836-2582. … To cancel an entire membership: Log in to My Account. On the My Account dashboard, click the Cancel link. Cancel membership page appears. Select the cancel reason and submit the form.

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How do I cancel my AAA Auto Renewal?

You can stop automatic renewal of your Membership through your online account or by calling AAA Member Services. … Membership Log into your AAA online account. Click on “”Manage Renewal.”” Choose “”Turn Off Automatic Renewal.”” Doing so will remove the credit card on file from our system.

How do I reset my AAA password?

To reset your password, go to the Online Account Page and click on the “”Forgot your password?”” link. You will receive a one-time, automated email with a link to reset your password. Apr 17, 2019

How do I change my AAA email?

Contact AAA via telephone at 1-866-MEMBERS (1-866-636-2377) … Rating: Be the first to rate this item Click on My Account. Under My Profile. Click “”Edit”” under on line account. Under personal information click “”Edit”” next to your email to update. Enter the new Email Address. Click Submit. Mar 11, 2016

How do I change my AAA username?

To change the name on your membership card please contact AAA via telephone at 1-866-MEMBERS (1-866-636-2377) or visit one of our Local Stores. Mar 11, 2016

Does AAA roadside assistance work in Canada?

Bring Your AAA Card Did you know your American Automobile Association (AAA) membership is honored in Canada? Through reciprocal arrangements with the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA), AAA members can use benefits like roadside assistance and travel planning while in Canada.

What does AAA consist of?

It pays to belong! As a AAA member you have programs available to you that include: automotive repair centers and emergency road services; complete domestic and international travel planning; quality auto/home/life insurance and other financial services; plus our Show Your Card & Save® discount program.

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Do I have to be with my car for AAA to tow it?

AAA will not tow your vehicle without you ( the active member ) being physically present. You must also provide your AAA card and a valid photo ID before they will tow it. Jun 25, 2021

Can I get a courtesy car if my car breaks down?

As long as you go to an approved repairer, you’ll get a courtesy vehicle for as long as the repairs take. The courtesy car will be supplied when an engineer authorises the repairs, not before.

What is the difference between roadside assistance and roadside recovery?

For example, if you get a flat tyre or engine conks out, you can call for assistance. When your mechanic arrives, they’ll try to fix your vehicle there and then. If they can’t, they’ll tow you to a garage (also called ‘recovery’) for repairs, so you won’t be left stranded at the roadside.

What do you do if you break down and have no cover?

If you have an emergency breakdown and no cover, you can call a breakdown provider to get cover and immediate assistance, contact a nearby garage, or use an emergency phone if you’re on a major road. Feb 11, 2021

How do I download my AAA card?

Print Your Digital Membership Card Visit your personal homepage on AAA.com to print a copy of your Digital Membership ID card under Digital Membership Card(s), free of charge.

How do I add insurance to my AAA app?

If you have additional policies to register, select policy type, Enter Policy Number and select Register Policy. Click on the Insurance tab to fill out your Insurance information. Once logged in, from the AAA Mobile App home screen, select AAADrive. appears on your billing statement and select Register Now.

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