Will there be problems if I have two legal names in different countries?

I am Canadian citizen and when I moved to the US and got married I received my green card and changed my name to my husband's last name. I never plan on becoming an American citizen. This name change was done in a moment of romance and stupidity literal few days after marriage. I'm still married 10 years and few kids together later but regret not thinking of the consequences of this.

My green card is my only photo ID with my married last name. My Canadian passport, Canadian bank account, and Canadian health card (ohip is what it's called in the province of Ontario) is all under my maiden name. When I vote in Canada, it's also under my maiden name.

My parents are taking out life insurance and I am the beneficiary. My father was told there will be no issues since my bank account and passport is under my name.

My question was will I have any issues receiving money? I just want to confirm what my parents have been told.

My brother is mentally ill (adult) and on many medications and not capable of handling the money himself so of course whatever I receive it's for me to spend on his upkeep since he needs it more but can't be trusted to receive it.

I'm sorry for so many details I may delete some points just because there's a lot of personal info.

submitted by /u/MalaikaRahman

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