What to buy in my situation (18m otw to USMC, 19f pregnant wife)

One of my extended cousins is in the insurance business and has been trying to convince me to buy life insurance with Primerica on a 35 year term. I understand they are an MLM but as long as they have a good rate and coverage it's not a bad choice right?

The problem I'm facing is that I'm leaving for boot camp for the Marine Corps in about 3 months, and they have good rates on SGLI. The only problems being that 1) it's not a locked in rate, so when I leave the military my rates go up and 2) spouses have a cap on their coverage.

Basically my question is what should I do? My wife is pregnant but since we are young we don't have any debt that would get passed down to our child. At the same time though life insurance would help with expenses for the kid in the case that we both pass away simultaneously?

If there is any resource that can provide a full picture of my options and can compare quotes I would appreciate it, I'm just starting out as an adult and trying to get my finances in order, I've already set up a Roth IRA and am planning out how I am going to put away money with the TSP in the military.

TL;DR: Young adult starting a family and joining the military, what life insurance do I need

submitted by /u/jrschoen

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