What the Broker-Dealer Industry Looks Like Now, in 5 Charts

What the Broker-Dealer Industry Looks Like Now, in 5 Charts

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The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority has released its 2023 Industry Snapshot, the annual statistical report on the brokerage firms, registered representatives and market activity that FINRA oversees.

For the first time in years, the number of registered reps increased, and the number of people entering the industry was greater than the number leaving.

“The 2023 Snapshot maintains FINRA’s commitment to providing a data-driven view into the securities industry and its activities through the lens of regulatory reporting. We continue to add new data categories to the Industry Snapshot, increasing the transparency of and visibility into an evolving securities industry,” said FINRA Chief Economist and Executive Vice President Jonathan Sokobin in a statement.

This year’s edition adds new data about options trading activity, and certain demographic changes of FINRA-registered reps.

The 2023 Industry Snapshot incorporates several new topics including:

Options trading activity by account owner type;
Demographic changes in FINRA-registered reps by year and firm size;
Supplementary liquidity schedule providers by type and size, and sources of liquidity;
Taxable investment account ownership data from the FINRA Foundation’s National Financial Capability Study.

See the gallery above for five charts from FINRA on what the BD industry looks like now.

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