What the BD Industry Looks Like Now, in 5 Charts

What the BD Industry Looks Like Now, in 5 Charts

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The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority has released its 2024 Industry Snapshot, an annual statistical report on registered representatives, brokerage firms and market activity that FINRA oversees.

The 2024 snapshot “continues FINRA’s commitment to share regulatory data in order to give the public a better understanding of and confidence in our member firms’ activities and its supervision,” said Jonathan Sokobin, executive vice president, chief economist and head of the Office of Regulatory Economics and Market Analysis at FINRA.

The 2024 snapshot incorporates several new topics:

Changes in registration type for registered representatives;
Firm size, including changes in firm size and total revenues and expenditures by firm size; and
Account owner type, including trading statistics, average percentage of daily orders placed by customer account owner type and average daily orders placed by customer.

See the accompanying gallery for five charts from FINRA on what the broker-dealer industry looks like now.

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