What does this effective vs original effectivate date mean?


Why are there an effective and original effective date?

My FIL passed, and he missed a payment 2 months ago, but ended up paying it last month and looks like the rest for the year. (its exactly 4 times, which equals the amount of months left of the policy).

For example, the policy is normally $10 a month, he missed that payment, and the payment history shows he paid $40 and no upcoming payments due. So I am guessing he paid up for the rest of the year?

We are wondering if this policy is still good, or if since he missed one payment it was set to a new date for effectivness.

We (my wife is the beneficiary) called and they said they are mailing a packet, but cannot give any details.

Does this mean the policy is active?

The proof of insurance I download says effective date 10/01/2024 as well, no where in this portal do I see a place to download old copies of the policy, nor can we find anything in his emails.

submitted by /u/PMMeForASong

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