What does Medicare Supplement Plan A Cover?

what does medicare supplement plan a cover

Medicare Supplement Plan A helps with hospital expenses under Medicare Part A. It pays the medicare part A coinsurance for hospital stays. It also covers an additional 365 days of hospital stays after your initial medicare part A benefits run out.

Part A Coinsurance and Hospital Costs

People with Medicare Part A must pay a coinsurance for each hospital stay. But, Medicare Supplement Plan A takes care of this medicare part A coinsurance. So, you won’t face these extra out-of-pocket costs.

Additional 365 Days After Medicare Benefits End

If you need it, Medicare Supplement Plan A offers an additional 365 days in the hospital. This is after you’ve used up your main medicare part A benefits. It’s especially helpful for long-term hospital care or complex medical situations that medicare part B doesn’t fully cover.

Expenses Not Covered by Plan A

Medicare Supplement Plan A is helpful, but it doesn’t cover everything. It won’t pay for skilled nursing facility coinsurance, or the Medicare Part A and B deductibles. It also doesn’t help with Medicare Part B service copays.

Skilled Nursing Facility Coinsurance

Plan A doesn’t cover coinsurance for skilled nursing stays. You might have to pay a lot for this type of care.

Deductibles and Copayments

It never covers Medicare Part A or B deductibles. You have to pay these costs before your benefits kick in. You’re also on the hook for Medicare Part B service copays, which aren’t covered.

It’s key to know what Plan A won’t pay for. This info is crucial for picking the right Medigap plan for you. Factor in what you might have to pay yourself, like deductibles and copays. This will help you choose wisely.

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