Universal life policy after relative death.

I got a letter in the mail about my grandma having a life insurance policy in me. They are contacting me to transfer ownership of the policy… she was the owner I was the insured. She started it in 1992 and it is a universal life Insurance policy. My question is is it worth me trying to go through the trouble to get the death certificates and heirs information In order for me to be transferred as the owner? I already spoke with the heirs and they are ok with me becoming the owner.. also has the policy been compounding interest since 1992? I couldn't find a straight answer online and the insurance company can't tell em due to security reasons.

Tl&DR Have universal life insurance policy from 1992 wanting to change ownership to myself so I'm owner & insured. Has it been compounding interest since 1992 and is it worth it to follow up and make the changes. I work 80 hours a week so it's hard for me to keep up with stuff. Thanks yall!

submitted by /u/EastCoastEarl

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