Try again or pass? Workplace EOI

My work offers group supplemental life insurance.

In Oct 2020, I applied for additional coverage beyond the guaranteed coverage amount of 500k. I submitted EOI form but was subsequently denied due to a prescription history.

In 2017 I was prescribed nitroglycerin tablets for symptoms that were questionable for an esophageal spasm; this doc was a quack ( there’s poor evidence for treatment and there was zero work up/diagnosis. Symptoms remitted on their own btw). Also is 2017, I filled naltrexone once which was requested by myself from my PCP. No diagnosis of AUD, etc, but alcohol abuse was added to the problem list.

Of note, I requested my MIB report 2 years later and it did not say anything and not seem to have any record of a denial being shared externally.

In looking at the verbiage of EOI, it explicitly asks “within the past 5 years have you been diagnosed treated for or had symptoms…” to all of the questions.

The answer would be no to these questions, however am I going to be automatically denied given previous denial from the same carrier? Would like to avoid a denial in case it gets reported to MIB this time.

Thank for your insights.

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