The Ten Commandments of Getting Business in the Fall

10 Commandments for Investing in 2024

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“People who finish the year strong start the new year strong.”

This was advice given by my sales manager when I was a financial advisor in a large New York City office. How large is large? As I recall, it was 180 financial advisors on 100,000 square feet of floor space! If there was ever a “running with the big dogs” scenario, this was it. The underlying message is this is not the time to take it easy.

Think about it. Every month might have its own reason for why you should not be prospecting. It is important to remember your best clients are a competitor’s best prospects. Yes, you need to give attention to your own clients, but you need to prospect your competitor’s clients, especially if they think the fourth quarter is a great time to slack off.

Let us look at 10 commandments to guide you into the winter season. There are many ways to generate business in the fall. You need to be proactive. It might not come to you immediately, but you took the first step to get them thinking about it.

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