The Best Colleges in 15 Categories: The Princeton Review

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Most college applicants look at a wide range of factors in making their selection, including academic programs related to their interests, campus amenities, extracurricular activities, student life and financial assistance.
Every year, the Princeton Review asks students across the U.S. about their school’s academics and administration, life at their college, their fellow students and themselves to find out how these institutions stack up.
The review’s 2024 best college rankings are based on a survey of 165,000 students at 389 colleges and universities.
Students rated each of 85 questions on a five-point scale — from strongly agree to strongly disagree; excellent to poor. Researchers used these scores, computed out to several percentage points, to tally the ranked lists.
Schools that appear on any of the review’s 50 top 25 lists are those at which the surveyed students as a group indicated a very high consensus of opinion about that topic.
See the gallery for the top college or university in 15 categories.
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