
Last Updated on May 7, 2022

Living in the current Covid 19 environment, life insurance for diabetics is still obtainable. Almost every life insurance company has reverted back to their pre-covid 19 underwriting guidelines. People with Diabetes have never had as many life insurance options to choose from. While some life insurance providers still have Covid 19 restrictions in place, these companies are generally not even competitive for diabetes life insurance. For the most part we are seeing life insurance with diabetes rates at all time lows for Gestational, Type 1, and Type 2 diabetics.

As the life insurance industry continues to evolve, we continue to be the leading source of information on all things Diabetes and life insurance. There is not other website that is 100% related to diabetic life insurance like ours.

Please understand that there is no ONE life insurance company that will always be the best fit for a person with Diabetes. Your age, overall health history, Diabetes history, and gender are going to determine what companies would be in your best interest. To determine your options, please simply complete an online quote request from us. Many people with Diabetes will not even need to complete a medical exam to qualify for coverage. This is a welcomed change as more and more life insurance companies may not require an examination to make an approval.

Lots of people with Diabetes think obtaining a life insurance policy is a challenge, and in some cases impossible. This myth is a reason why so many people who have Diabetes choose not to apply for life insurance coverage. Simply put, this is not true. Almost every person living with Diabetes is able to qualify for some type of life insurance coverage. Diabetes Life Solutions is the first and only website which is 100% focused on assisting the Diabetes community with their needs for life insurance for people with diabetes.

People living with Pre-Diabetes, Gestational, Type 1, Type 2 diabetes should never be kept from obtaining the life insurance you deserve. Routinely we see people qualify for diabetes life insurance at rates much cheaper then they imagined. If you are ready to begin receiving accurate life insurance information, please simply complete a quote request or contact us today. An agent will reach out to you and take you through the entire life insurance application process.

Diabetes Life Solutions is on a mission to make life insurance with Diabetes affordable, and obtainable. We want to make the  application process for life insurance for people with diabetes as easy as possible, for the diabetes community. For those people who have diabetes, we’ll shop over 70 carriers to help find you the best life insurance rates and policies, depending on your financial objectives and Diabetes history. Call us at 888-629-3064 and speak with a licensed agent to discover your life insurance options.

All we do here at Diabetes Life Solutions is work to find the lowest available rates on life insurance for diabetics. We advocate on behalf of our diabetic clients daily and are experts in finding the best rates for our diabetic clients. With access to over 70 life insurance carriers, we represent you and not any specific life insurance company. Depending on your overall health, and control of your Diabetes, you may qualify for SPECIAL rates, up to 20% cheaper on diabetic life insurance.

Table of Contents

Can You Obtain Life Insurance with Diabetes?

Life insurance with Diabetes can be confusing, and frustrating if working with the wrong agency or agent. Many websites or agents may provide fake or misleading quotes to you. You won’t have that experience when working with us. You’ll only receive honest and accurate information from us at all times. This is what separates Diabetes Life Solutions from other organizations. We promise to provide a first class experience in customer service when working with us.

Can diabetics get life insurance by all companies? Not all life insurance companies view diabetics the same. Securing the best diabetes life insurance rates available comes down to choosing the right agent or agency to work with. We’re the ones that are going to ‘shop’ your health profile to the underwriters, and help you find the best diabetes life insurance company based off your complete health profile. Depending on your financial objectives, and need for life insurance, we’ll be able to guide you to the right the life insurance company.

Please do NOT let yourself get tricked by websites providing fake life insurance quotes. Please realize that if you have Diabetes, less than 1% of all applicants will receive a Preferred life insurance rating classification. Sadly, many websites advertise these fake rates to unsuspecting consumers. Life insurance with Diabetes, or any other chronic illness will generally restrict you from these ratings.

If you have Type 2 Diabetes, generally a Standard to Standard Plus rating will be the BEST possible rating. In some situations, you may obtain a Preferred rating. Now if you are a person with Type 1 Diabetes, very rarely would you qualify for a Standard rating. Ninety percent of the time your offer of coverage will be Sub-Standard. Which means you’ll have extra rates tied into your policy.

Please do NOT let any agent trick you with bait and switch types of quotes. There’s nothing more frustrating than going through the application process, and having your actual rates come back 100% to 200% higher than the original quotes. If you receive any quotes showing Preferred or Preferred Plus ratings, please realize that you are most likely being mislead.

Looking for the best life insurance for diabetics? Let us help!! If you have diabetes and or if you’ve been turned down for diabetes life insurance coverage in the past, you may feel like getting the protection that you need is impossible. But, the good news is that you can still obtain life insurance, no matter what type of diabetes you have – you just need to know how and where to look.

That’s where Diabetes Life Solutions helps people like you! Our agents only work with the diabetes community, and have helped thousands of diabetics obtain life insurance policies. Finding life insurance with diabetes isn’t nearly as hard as one thinks it is. To begin receiving diabetes life insurance information, you simply need to contact us. We are happy to speak to you at (888) 629-3064. A quick 5 minute phone call is all that it takes!

Diabetes Statistics for 2022

Diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate in the United States. According to the CDC’s (Centers for Disease Control) National Diabetes Statistics Report for 2020 cases of diabetes have risen to an estimated 34.2 million. Below is a summary of the latest diabetes statistics included in the CDC’s report.

How many people have diabetes?

37.3 million people, or 10.5% of the U.S. population, have diabetes. An estimated 26.8 million people – or 10.2% of the population – had diagnosed diabetes. Approximately 7.3 million people have diabetes but have not yet been diagnosed (2018).
Diabetes impacts all social, economic, and ethnic backgrounds.
Type 1 diabetes accounts for about 5.2% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes, affecting approximately 1.6 million people.

New Cases of Diabetes in Adults and Children

In 2018, an estimated 1.5 million new cases of diabetes were diagnosed among U.S. adults aged 18 years or older.
This includes approximately 210,000 children and adolescents younger than age 20 years.
During 2014-2015, the estimated annual number of newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes in the U.S. included 18,291 children and adolescents younger than age 20*.
The annual number of children and adolescents age 10 – 19 years diagnosed with type 2 diabetes was 5,758.

How to Get Life Insurance with Diabetes

The first step in obtaining a life insurance policy with diabetes is to complete a quote request. Or call us at 888-629-3064. In order to receive real and accurate information, an agent will need to know more about your diabetes and overall health history.

Next, we’d ask you about your need for life insurance, and gather details on your financial objectives. Once our fact finding is completed, we can help create a blue print as to the best way for applying for coverage. To begin simply call us at 888-629-3064 or complete a quote request.

Diabetes Life Insurance – What Underwriters Need To Know

While life insurance for diabetics may be a bit more difficult to obtain, it is not impossible to be approved. You’ll want to be prepared, to share with your agent details into your overall health history.

Overall, life insurers are concerned with how risky an applicant will be in terms of potentially having to pay out a costly claim should the company accept the person for coverage. With that in mind, a carrier will need to know how, and how well, your body responds to any of the treatments that you receive for your diabetes.

According to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, Type 2 Diabetes affects approximately 90 to 95 percent of those who have diabetes in the United States. Over the past several years, this disease has actually become much more common than it was in the past.

However, Type 2 Diabetes is also more responsive to both diet and exercise than Type 1 Diabetes. In addition, this type of diabetes is also more responsive to oral medication and insulin. Therefore, there are a number of questions that the life insurance underwriters will ask you regarding your treatment.

Life insurance underwriters will want to know about your overall diabetes and health history. This information will let them know if you are eligible for coverage, and if so, what rates they would offer you. All life insurance companies are going to view a person with diabetes health profile differently. One life insurance company may rate you higher due to your diabetes condition, where another would accept you without any extra ratings. To determine what companies will be the most competitive, you’ll need to work with an independent life insurance agent, to help you navigate the diabetic life insurance marketplace.

Types of Questions

Here are some sample questions insurance companies will ask, about your diabetes history and treatment:

At what age were you diagnosed with diabetes?
What type of diabetes do you have (Pre, Gestational, Type 1 or Type 2)?
What are your current glucose / blood sugar level readings?
How often do you test your blood sugar levels?
What, if any, diabetes medications have you been prescribed for your condition?
Do you use any technology to help manage your diabetes? Maybe an Insulin Pump, or Continuous Glucose Monitoring device?
Any history of diabetes related complications?
Do you possess any additional health risk factors?
Do you follow an exercise and diet regimen?
Are you compliant with your doctor’s orders?
How often do you visit your Endocrinologist or Doctor?

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Other Questions

In addition to specific disease related questions, the underwriters will also review the information on the life insurance application for coverage. This will include basic information regarding your:

Height and weight
Smoking status / tobacco usage
Any other health issues outside of diabetes?
Any history of past foreign travel or future foreign travel?
Occupation and income
Overall health and medical history
Family health and medical history

Every bit of your lifestyle will be used by an underwriter to determine what plans, and rates, you’ll be eligible for. The better your risk profile, the better and cheaper life insurance options you’ll have! These health questions are just one part of the life insurance underwriting process.

What Types of Underwriting Can People With Diabetes Choose From?

People with diabetes will have two different types of underwriting to choose from. Fully underwritten life insurance and no medical exam life insurance.

If electing for a fully underwritten policy, you will be subject to a blood and test, as well as a paramedical exam. The paramedical exam simply consists of an examiner visiting you at your house, or place of business. They will ask pertinent health history questions, and collect a blood and urine sample

Those results, in addition to a review of your diabetes and medical records, will be sent to an underwriter. All of your health information and lab results determine your risk to an insurance company. That risk then will tell you what life insurance rates you are eligible for.

The better your control of diabetes, and overall health, the better life insurance rating you’ll be offered. The better the insurance rating, the lower your premiums will be.


If looking for a no medical exam life insurance policy with diabetes, you’ll have options. Instead of having companies test your blood and urine, they will simply have you answer basic health questions, and provide details to your diabetes history.

In addition to this, companies will run a prescription background check, and MIB (Medical Information Bureau) review. Your answers on the application, and information collected from the background review, will determine your eligibility.

If you have type 1 diabetes, you’ll only have a few options to select from. However, if you have Prediabetes, or type 2 diabetes, there would most likely be a plethora of no medical exam options to choose from. One of our agents would be more than happy to assist you, and determine what options you’d have. Just reach out to us, and let us do all the hard work!

Term Life Insurance with Diabetes

For many people with diabetes, they would initially need a term life insurance policy. Term life insurance for diabetics is easier to qualify for than most think. Over the last 9 years, we’ve found term policies for nearly 90% of our applicants who applied thru us.

Finding the ‘right’ company for term life insurance is key if wanting to minimize the amount of premiums paid over the life of the policy. If one life insurance company charges 25% more per year compared to another, this could lead to spending thousands of dollars more than you necessarily have to.

Let an agent with Diabetes Life Solutions work with you, and help you find the best possible policy for term life insurance for diabetics.

Here are some basic policy features of term life insurance:

Immediate death benefit
Guaranteed premiums for term duration you select
Provides a lump sum and tax free death benefit to beneficiary
Death benefit will remain level for initial term duration
Policy can be converted to a permanent type of coverage without undergoing any further underwriting or medical testing

Life Insurance with Type 1 Diabetes

Normally type 1 diabetes is diagnosed in young adults and children, and was previously known as juvenile diabetes. However, it is becoming more common for people to be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, at an older age. Only 5% of people with diabetes have this form of the conditions or disease.

Over time, life insurance companies have begun underwriting the type 1 diabetes community more fairly. Gone are the days of being automatically disqualified, due to having type 1 diabetes. As a matter of fact, life insurance rates.rates are at an all time low for diabetics with type 1.

Per the American Diabetes Association: “In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. The body breaks down the sugars and starches you eat into a simple sugar called glucose, which it uses for energy. Insulin is a hormone that the body needs to get glucose from the bloodstream into the cells of the body. With the help of insulin therapy and other treatments, even young children can learn to manage their condition and live long, healthy lives.”

When it comes to life insurance and type 1 diabetics, life insurance companies are going to view you as a ‘higher’ risk, compared to individuals with other types of diabetes. Life insurance for type 1 diabetics will also tend to be more expensive, compared to other types of diabetes. Many people who have type 1 diabetes think that they cannot qualify for life insurance coverage. That’s just simply not true. Click here for an entire article on type 1 diabetes and life insurance.

Life insurance rates for type 1 diabetics will almost be more expensive compared to rates for type 2 diabetics. A person with type 1 diabetes will most likely be offered a sub-standard policy. This means the cost of life insurance will be ‘table rated’ and more expensive. Rarely you’ll qualify for Standard, Standard Plus, Preferred, nor Preferred Plus rates. If any website or agent quotes rates using these ratings classifications, please be aware your ‘true’ rates for coverage will be much more expensive.

However, affordable life insurance for diabetics with type 1 can be obtained. Our expertise in working with the diabetes community can help you and your family save thousands of dollars, over the lifetime of the insurance policy. Call us at 888-629-3064 and let us go to work for you.

We know which carriers that may offer the best rates, and even discounts for people with type 1 diabetes. After we know your complete health profile, we can recommend companies that will be ideal given your financial objectives. An example of this is if you are using diabetes related technology, certain companies offer better rates to you. Other companies may offer discounts if you exercise regularly,and live a healthy lifestyle.

Let us help you find the best type 1 diabetes life insurance carriers who will reward you with lower life insurance premiums!

Life Insurance with Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a problem with your body that causes blood glucose (sugar) levels to rise higher than normal. This is also called hyperglycemia. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. Fortunately

Per the American Diabetes Association: “If you have type 2 diabetes your body does not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. At first, your pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it. But, over time it isn’t able to keep up and can’t make enough insulin to keep your blood glucose at normal levels.”

People with type 2 diabetes will normally have an easier time acquiring life insurance, compared to an individual with type 1 diabetes. Life insurance companies will view you as a more favorable risk, and rates typically lower. In fact, majority of people with type 2 diabetes achieve a STANDARD rating, or better, in terms of life insurance offers. This essentially means that your rates would not be rated higher, due to having diabetes type 2.

Majority of companies are not necessarily worried with the types of medications you are taking, but rather what is your overall control of your type 2 diabetes. A person could be taking insulin, oral medications, or maybe a combination of the two, to control their diabetes condition. Or if you are able to control with diet, and exercise alone, companies will consider for Preferred rates. YES! Same rates that people without diabetes qualify for! Click here for an entire article on life insurance for type 2 diabetics.

Type 2 diabetes life insurance rates are also at an all time low. It’s never been easier to find life insurance for type 2 diabetes! Life insurance companies are even offering discounts for people who use FitBit’s, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. These discounts can equal thousands of dollars over the lifetime of the policy.

Many companies are even offering no medical exam policies for type 2 diabetics. These policies can be approved in a matter of minutes, or days. Policies like these are great for people who are in a hurry, and need life insurance for a SBA loan or a divorce obligation. Or if you just do not have time to complete a paramedical exam, no medical exam policies may be the perfect fit.

Life Insurance with Pre-Diabetes

For many individuals, you may be considered pre-diabetic. According to the Center of Diabetes and Control Prevention, nearly 84 million people may have pre-diabetes. But how does being pre-diabetic impact your life insurance rates, or ability to qualify for life insurance?

The main concern life insurance underwriters will have is what your A1C rating is. Generally, having Pre-Diabtes means your A1C is between 5.6% to 6.4% . If you are in this range, you’ll have NO issues qualifying for life insurance. If you’re A1C is above this range, don’t worry. You’ll still most likely qualify for life insurance coverage.

Companies will want to make sure you’re seeing a doctor, and being compliant with their instructions. Many people with Pre-Diabetes will qualify for Standard to Preferred Plus insurance rates. You’ll also have several non medical exam life insurance options to choose from, if wishing to bypass a paramedical exam. In addition to asking questions about the Pre-Diabetes history, companies will want to know the following:

Current height and weight
Medications currently being prescribed
Any other significant health issues?
Any Tobacco usage?

Finding life insurance with pre-diabetes should be a fairly easy task for you. To find out what your options are, or if you qualify for special rates, simply contact us. An agent will access your health profile, and provide you some accurate life insurance information.

Life Insurance with Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a condition that starts when your body is unable to make and use all the insulin it needs for pregnancy. Without enough insulin, glucose cannot leave the blood and be changed to energy. When glucose builds up in the blood to high levels, this is called hyperglycemia. Here’s an article we’ve written about all things related to life insurance with Gestational Diabetes.

Per the American Diabetes Association: “During pregnancy – usually around the 24th week – many women develop gestational diabetes. A diagnosis of gestational diabetes doesn’t mean that you had diabetes before you conceived, or that you will have diabetes after giving birth. But it’s important to follow your doctor’s advice regarding blood glucose (blood sugar) levels while you’re planning your pregnancy, so you and your baby both remain healthy.”

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Life insurance companies generally will not rate you higher, if you have a history of gestational diabetes. Assuming that you have followed treatment plans, from your doctor, you could easily qualify for Standard to Preferred life insurance rates. These are the same types of rates that people without any form of diabetes receive.

Many people who think that life insurance with gestational diabetes can be hard to obtain. The truth is, it’s very easy to qualify for. You just need to work with the right agent, who specializes in working with people with diabetes. Somebody like Diabetes Life Solutions!

Children with Juvenile Diabetes

Throughout the world, incidences of diabetes are on the rise, and consequently so is diabetes amongst children. Diabetes is the most common metabolic disease in young people today. One of the early signs of diabetes in children is increased urination and thirst. When blood-sugar is high it triggers a reaction in the body that pulls fluid from tissues.

Per the American Diabetes Association: “Approximately 90% of young people with diabetes suffer from type 1 and the number of patients who are children varies from place to place.”

Many parents tend to want to take out a life insurance policy on their children. We think this can be a great long term, financial product for your family. Problem is, finding a life insurance policy on a child with diabetes, can be daunting.

Here at Diabetes Life Solutions, we have discovered that certain life insurance companies will actually offer life insurance for children with diabetes. Knowing the diabetes community was in need of policies like these, we have secured them for our clientele. If looking for life insurance on your child with diabetes, simply reach out to us, and we can share what options you’d have.

Condition Overview

Your overall condition and the way you manage your health is what will make or break your chances of getting any type of diabetic life insurance coverage. Whether you follow the advice of your doctor or not in regards to proper management of your condition is entirely your choice. Staying compliant with your diabetes treatment will be a major concern, to life insurance carriers.

Keep in mind that the better you handle your health with the specific diabetic condition you have, the better your chances of getting a policy that is reasonably priced.

FAQ for Life Insurance With Diabetes

• If I have Diabetes, can I even get life insurance?

Absolutely. Life insurance rates are at an all time low, for diabetics. More companies are considering people with diabetes for coverage, than at any other point in time. Depending on your level of diabetes control, and other health history, you may qualify for the same life insurance premiums people without diabetes receive.

• Can I still get life insurance during this Covid 19 environment?

Yes, people with Diabetes may still qualify for life insurance during this Covid 19 world we live in. Life insurance companies have made several changes to their underwriting guidelines, and people with Diabetes have been negatively impacted. With this being said, there are still lots of options for life insurance with Diabetes.

• Does Diabetes affect life insurance rates?

The answer to this question will ultimately depend on several factors. Diabetes is considered a chronic illness, and life insurance companies may view you as a ‘higher’ risk in terms of underwriting. In some circumstances diabetes will have NO impact on your life insurance rates. For some people with diabetes, you will pay higher premiums on life insurance.

Life insurance companies are going to want to know what type of control you have over your type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The better the control, the greater chance that your diabetes won’t have an impact on life insurance rates. Many people who have type 2 diabetes qualify for standard life insurance rates that have no extra increase in premiums, due to the history of diabetes. However, if you have type 1 diabetes, you are most likely going to pay higher premiums, compared to a person without diabetes.

When it comes to calculating the amount of coverage and premiums of life insurance for diabetics, it is their current health and diabetes conditions that matter, as well as past health history. That is why insurers will want you to have some medical tests and provide them with documentation on your treatments and follow-up reports so that all risks can be accurately evaluated.

Given that, having diabetes doesn’t necessarily mean you will have to deal with higher premiums. It all depends on your health.

• Is it hard to get life insurance with Diabetes?

No, it really isn’t. It may be a little tricker, depending on your overall health profile. Life insurance companies have come leaps and bounds over the years, to make obtaining life insurance with diabetes much easier. The key is to work with agents who are properly trained, in working with the diabetes community. Ideally, you’d want to work with an agent affiliated with Diabetes Life Solutions. Depending on your financial objectives, we will simply help you find the best policy, that meets your needs. Many websites, adn agents provide fake, or inaccurate information. This is sad, but routinely occurs. When working with us, you’ll only receive REAL and ACCURATE information.

• What types of life insurance policies can diabetics qualify for?

Most people with Diabetes can qualify for all the same types of policies, as people who do not have Diabetes. This includes Term life insuranceWhole life insurance, Universal life insurance, and even burial insurance policies. Depending on what your financial needs are, you would be able to obtain the proper type of life insurance policy.

• What medical records do I need to provide an insurer with?

As you may already know, the insurance application process begins with a review of your health profile, that is aimed at helping underwriters find out more details on your case. In order to make an unbiased decision on whether you qualify for a policy or not, they will require medical records and documentation from your Endocrinologist or Doctor for:

up-to-date test results for A1C, blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, cholesterol levels, etc.);
diabetes management methods, treatments, and medications you have been used/are currently using;
detailed follow-up reports;
any diabetes-related complications and adverse conditions.

Keep in mind that this information is essential for getting approved for a diabetes life insurance policy. Your agent would work with your medical providers to secure these records.

• Do you have to take a medical exam, to qualify for diabetes life insurance?

No, you do not. Depending on your situation, you may qualify for multiple no exam life insurance policies. Some life insurance carriers may offer the same rates, as if you completed a paramedical exam. When working with us, we’ll provide you no medical exam options, if you meet the underwriting criteria. Often times, a person may be better off doing a no medical exam policy, compared to going thru with a blood and urine test.

• What amount life insurance can I qualify for?

It depends. There are countless factors which affect how much you can qualify for in coverage. As long as you can ‘financially’ justify the amount of coverage you are seeking, most companies should be able to provide the needed amount. When calculating your benefits, underwriters are likely to place an increasing emphasis on how you manage your Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, what medications you currently take, and at what age you were diagnosed with this chronic disease. As long as you fit their underwriting guidelines, you would be able to obtain whatever amount of life insurance you need.

Now if you are looking for no medical exam options, most companies are going to ‘cap’ the amount they will offer. The amount of coverage varies from company to company and can go up to $500,000. Besides, the type of policy should also be factored in. Typically, no medical exam life insurance diabetes coverage provides less in benefits than traditional plans.

• Can I qualify for life insurance if my A1C is more than 8.5?

The A1C test is something that tells your underwriter whether or not you manage to control your diabetes well by showing your average blood sugar level for 3 months. The results of this test help the insurance company to assess your case in terms of risks. Ideally, an underwriter would want your A1C level should be below 7.0, meaning that the likelihood of diabetes-related complications is minimized.

Unfortunately, not everyone with diabetes can keep their A1C level at a lower level. If it is 8.5or higher, your underwriter will consider your case, but may view you as a higher risk. As a result, this can dramatically increase your premiums for life insurance. Some companies will consider you for coverage, with an A1C as high as 10.0 However, you should know your options. Even if some insurance companies have already refused to offer coverage to you, do not give up and continue to shop around. Or you can always turn to Diabetes Life Solutions for help. We help people everyday with diabetes, obtain affordable life insurance.

• How can I compare diabetes life insurance quotes and different types of policies?

For all people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, it takes a lot of effort and time to find the right insurance company, suitable coverage plan, and responsive agents. There is a myriad of insurers in the U.S. these days, which makes the process way more confusing. Don’t let all of this overwhelm you!

With Diabetes Life Solutions, you are assisted by a team of experts who take great pains to change things in the diabetes community for the better. Here we put your interests first without trying to get you ‘hooked’. We know how vital it is to be covered by a well-thought-out insurance plan and have the resources to help you find that plan.

Our capabilities allow us to provide diabetics with the information and insurance rates they’ve been looking for. With us, you will be able to compare policy premiums, approval requirements, and amounts of coverage available. We work with more than 80 U.S. insurers and can assure you that you can be covered, no matter what your current diabetes condition is.

Once you apply thru us, we will obtain ‘final offers’ of life insurance diabetes coverage for you. At that point, we will provide the rates from multiple life insurance carriers. We’ll also provide you rates for various options for term life insurance for diabetics, and permanent life insurance options. Once you know the final premium amounts, you can choose the policy, or policies, that suit you and your family. While applying for coverage with us, you are not locked into any amount of coverage.

How Much Will Life Insurance With Diabetes Cost?

In many cases, life insurance for diabetics will cost more than that of an average policyholder who is in good health. However, the actual cost of your policy will ultimately depend on your overall health condition. It’s impossible to determine possible rates of life insurance without sharing your unique health profile with an agent.

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With most insurance companies, there are five primary rating classifications for policyholders. These classifications – or classes – will also have a bearing on the amount of premium that is paid by the policyholder. These include:

Preferred Plus – Those who obtain a preferred plus rating are considered to be the healthiest. These policy holders are in excellent health, and will therefore pay the lowest amount of premium, as they pose the least amount of risk to the insurer.
Preferred – Those who obtain a preferred rating are also considered to be very healthy, and will therefore also pay a low amount of premium. While they are not considered to be in as “excellent” of health as those in the Preferred Plus category, they are still considered to be above average.
Standard Plus – Those who are in good overall health, but not quite at a Preferred status, can receive a Standard Plus rating.
Standard – Standard policy holders are typically those who are considered to be of “average” health, height, and weight.
Substandard – Those who fall into the Substandard classification usually have some type of adverse health condition. Because of this, they are considered to pose more risk to the insurer, and in order to compensate for that risk, they are charged a higher amount of premium. There are typically several levels of Substandard, depending on the severity of the condition or the amount of risk that the policy holder poses to the insurer.

Quick tip for you. If a website is quoting Preferred or Preferred plus rates, they are most likely misleading you. Only 1% of all diabetes applicants would receive those type of ratings from a life insurance company. Please be aware of this, and do not allow yourself to be tricked.

For those who have diabetes, it is possible to receive life insurance offers, that do not have ‘extra’ premiums or table ratings. You could fall into the Standard, rating category and therefore, pay an average amount of premium for your coverage. Meaning no extra life insurance premiums, for having diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetics or Type 2 Diabetics that also have minor diabetes complications are more likely to fall into one of the Standard to Substandard categories. Life insurance companies are aware that people with diabetes tend to develop some type of complication. If you have one , at time of application, companies may charge 20% to 25% higher premiums.

There are some cases, where a person with diabetes could qualify for Standard Plus, Preferred, or Preferred Plus rates. If you’d like an idea of what insurance rating you may be offered, simply call us at 888-629-3064. An agent would love to speak with you! To receive these types of favorable rates, you will need optimal control of your diabetes, have no other significant health issues, and be at an ideal height and weight.

If you are unable to qualify, even for any of the Substandard categories, in a traditionally underwritten policy, there are still options available to you. One such option is to look for a guaranteed acceptance life insurance policy. This type of coverage will not require you to undergo a medical examination in order to qualify. Nor are there any qualifying health questions. However, due to the policies being designed for people in poor overall health, the premium for coverage will be much higher. Also, amounts of coverage are generally limited to between $10,000 and $50,000.

Here are some sample rates of life insurance, for a person with diabetes:

$250,000 Level Term Life Insurance [Female – Non Tobacco User]

$250,000 Level Term Life Insurance [Male – Non Tobacco User]

Tips for Locating Quality and Affordable Coverage

Those who are seeking coverage for diabetics can’t always depend on going to just one insurer and getting the best deal – or even being accepted for a policy. That is why it is typically your best course of action to work with a company that has access to a number of different insurers. That way, your choice of carriers – and premiums – will be expanded exponentially. You also want to work with people who ONLY work with the diabetes community, such as Diabetes Life Solutions!

You’ll also have to be aware that several websites, and agents, provide FAKE life insurance quotes to the diabetes community. They do this to ‘trick’ you into applying for coverage, and then when offers come back, they’ll be much higher. To us, this is an unethical way of doing business, but it does occur frequently.

The truth is that not all life insurance carriers underwrite policies in the same way. What may constitute a decline for one insurance company may be acceptable to another. For this reason, it definitely pays to shop around and that is why we are so effective here at Diabetes Life Solutions at getting the best rates for diabetic life insurance.

Preparing for a Life Insurance Application and Exam

When you have diabetes, the underwriters will take extra time to see the extent of your condition. Whether you have Type 2 Diabetes or are a Type I Diabetic, getting all your medical information in order ahead of time will make a big difference in how quickly and how affordably you can get your term life insurance policy in place. Since anyone who has any type of health condition is going to be rated on a case-by-case basis you should follow these tips:

Have the name, address, and phone number for all your doctors.
Check with your physician to make sure they have all the documentation for your treatments, as well as any follow-up reports.
Keep a current list of all medications and the dosage for each one.
Be careful not to skip any doctors appointments leading up to the application for your life insurance plan.

Having all of these items up to date and in line will make finding affordable life insurance with diabetes much easier.

Where To Find The Best Diabetic Life Insurance Coverage

When searching for the best life insurance for diabetics, we can help. We work with many of the top rated diabetic life insurance companies in the marketplace today – and we can work with you in comparing policy benefits and premium prices so that you can find the coverage that best fits in with your specific needs and budget.

It’s easy to obtain all of the important information that you need – right from the comfort and convenience of your computer – without ever having to meet in person with an insurance agent. And, you can have the details that you require within seconds, not days or weeks. In order to get the process started, all you need to do is just simply use the form on this page.

If you do happen to have any questions at all about how to go about finding the best life insurance coverage for diabetics, or about how to compare premium prices, please feel free to contact us. We have experts who can answer any of your questions or concerns so that you feel comfortable moving forward. You can reach us toll-free by calling 1 (888) 629-3064.

The processing of finding and purchasing diabetes life insurance is a big decision. Yet, not having this coverage can leave those you love without essential financial protection in the event of the unexpected. Don’t leave your loved ones vulnerable – obtaining the coverage you need is possible, and more affordable than you may think.

Diabetes Life Solutions Companies without Medical Exams

Here at Diabetes Life Solutions, we love working with life insurance companies that offer affordable rates, high quality policies, and do not require a medical exam. Many no medical exam policies will come with living benefit riders at no extra cost.

In our opinion, one of the biggest mistakes a person with diabetes can make is overpaying for their life insurance policy. This is generally due to thinking they do not have several options available to them. Even though you have diabetes, you’ll have a number of non medical exam life insurance options available to you.

Getting approved for a no-exam life insurance policy does not have to be difficult. While you work with your Diabetes Life Solutions personal shopper, you’ll be asked basic health and diabetes questions. This information would be needed to determine what life insurance companies may offer coverage to you, without undergoing a medical examination.

Certain carriers may still order medical records, and review the last four to five years worth of your medical records. The information in your files will ultimately determine the premiums for life insurance. This may take up to 30 days for an underwriting decision to be made. Other companies may simply do a MIB and prescription drug background check to support your answers to the health questionnaire. Cases like this may be approved in 24 to 72 hours.

For those individuals who do not want to meet with an examiner a no medical exam policy may be ideal. Especially with the coronavirus or Covid 19 situation. Please simply contact us at 888-629-3064 and we’ll provide all the options available to you.

Burial Insurance for Diabetics

If you are like a lot of people with Diabetes, maybe you are in search of a Burial Insurance Policy, or Final Expense Insurance plan. These types of policies are designed to help your family address the various funeral costs, burial costs, and final expenses that come at the end of one’s life.

Here are some features of the policy:

Whole Life policy that will stay the same price and death benefit for life

Pays 100% of the death benefit from day one (has no waiting period)

No exclusions but suicide in first two years

Cash value that can be borrowed from, or can be made into a reduced paid up policy if no longer want to pay premiums

Does not require an exam or medical records for approval – just short phone interview

At the time of death, the policy pays out the full death benefit to the named beneficiary. Depending on the insurance company you choose, payments are generally made in 2-3 business days. Also, Policies may be assigned to a Funeral home, where the benefit is paid straight to a funeral home.

These are just a few examples, of companies that will offer burial insurance coverage, for diabetics. You can speak with an agent, provide them your health profile, and we’ll let you know what companies you will qualify for. The phone call takes 5 minutes of less, and we can be reached at 888-629-3034. Or you can request and instant quote, and we’ll provide you some final expense insurance options.

The processing of finding and purchasing diabetic life insurance is a big decision. Yet, not having this coverage can leave those you love without essential financial protection in the event of the unexpected. Don’t leave your loved ones vulnerable – obtaining the coverage you need is possible, and more affordable than you may think.

Final Thoughts

The processing of finding and purchasing diabetic life insurance is a big decision. Yet, not having this coverage can leave those you love without essential financial protection in the event of the unexpected. Don’t leave your loved ones vulnerable – obtaining the coverage you need is possible, and more affordable than you may think.

Lots of positive changes have occurred in the life insurance industry that have made premiums very affordable to people with Diabetes.  It’s never been easier to qualify for coverage.  Let us help you find the best possible policy for you and your family today!