Term Life insurance chance of denial?

Previously have had a term life insurance policy through TransAmerica. I accidentally let my policy lapse (changed bank accounts) and by the time I had submitted the new checking account info the policy lapsed. My fault. I am 38 years old and healthy. Take no meds other than one for adult acne. My previous premium per month was like $64/month (20 year term insurance for 1.5mil). Nonetheless, I am having to reapply for new coverage. In 2017 I had a normal PAP smear, 2019 PAP revealed ASCUS with LSIL on colposcopy (transamerica knows all of this) and new PAP done this month reveals ASCUS (atypical squamous cells of unknown significance) AND HPV NEGATIVE. I've been told the ASCUS without positive HPV is really not that alarming and could be caused by recent yeast infection etc. Is there a chance that I will denied coverage? I have a hubby and two kids and want to ensure they are taken care of if anything were to happen to me. Thanks for any advice!

submitted by /u/Outside-Guard4496

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