Surety life insurance reviews

Advantages of Surety Life Insurance

Surety offers two types of life insurance policies: term and whole life. This means you have two very different options to help you find the policy type that best meets your needs, lifestyle, and budget. Term life covers you for a limited period of time, called the “term.” Because it’s limited, it’s more affordable than longer-lasting coverage. Whole life, on the other hand, covers you for the rest of your life. As a result, it costs more than term life. Since Surety offers both, you can select the price point and policy type that fits your family’s needs and financial goals.

Surety offers coverage by phone, online, and through independent insurance agents. If you use their website to shop for coverage, you can apply for and purchase some policies on the same day. Underwriting is done within hours of the application being submitted and coverage can begin immediately. This may be attractive for someone looking to purchase coverage quickly due to a major change, such as the birth of a child or the start of a new job.

In addition, Surety’s term life policies offer renewal and conversion options to ensure you’re never left without coverage. If you decide that whole life is a better fit, you can adjust your term policy to meet your needs without going through a whole new application process.

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