Struggled with depression since i was 12. Trouble finding life insurance at 34.

My diagnoses are severe depression that was recently classified as treatment resistant depression when i began ketamine treatment, ptsd, severe anxiety. Meds are spravato, ketamine, topiramate, phentermine, bupropion and naltraxone. My doc does do off label prescribing.

Havent smoked since 2020 and when I did it was social. Marijuana use is legal on my state and I do it recreationally a few times a year. Did a lot of binge drinking in my teen years. Later on I struggled with alcohol abuse when my dad killed himself 7 years ago. It sent me into a deep hole where I became a functioning alcoholic for 5 years. Never had problems with the law or became an issue at work. Just decided i was tired of feeling like crap and seeked out help from my psychiatrist. Off label prescribing of topiramate helped me curve my usage. Now I drink occasionally in a social setting. I do have allergic asthma but haven’t had a flare up since 2018. Only other med I’m on is spironolactone for hair loss. Off label use, again. Any leads on life insurance that may take me on?

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