Social Security Woes May Cost a Millennial More Than $500,000

Millennials in a an office meeting

What You Need to Know

If the Social Security trust fund runs dry, a client who is currently 35 years old could face the loss of about 20% of total lifetime Social Security benefits.
Millennials may need to cut their post-retirement spending targets or increase contributions to retirement savings and investment arrangements,

If Congress fails to fix the Social Security trust fund solvency problem, that could cost a typical millennial retirement planning client roughly the amount of cash now needed to pay for a house.

Analysts at HealthView Services predict that, if the program trust fund runs dry in 2035, as the trustees predict, a client who is 35 years old today could face the loss of about 20% of total lifetime Social Security benefits.

For a 35-year-old who currently earns $100,000 per year and begins claiming Social Security benefits at age 67, that would translate into a loss of $563,203 in lifetime benefits, from the total of $2.8 million now promised.

The client would need to use annuities, ordinary retirement savings arrangements or other means to provide $26,819 in additional income per year. The cost of doing that by making one big lump-sum payment to a retirement savings arrangement would be $54,154.

The HealthView analysts have put those projections in a paper designed to show off the company’s health cost planning system.

What It Means

Even if policymakers restore long-term Social Security trust fund solvency, any income or payroll tax increases, Social Security benefits cuts, Social Security benefits design changes or other measures used to stabilize the trust fund could have an impact on higher-income millennials as that would be comparable to a trust fund failure.

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That suggests that millennials who have not yet factored Social Security problems into retirement planning may need to cut their post-retirement spending targets by 20%, increase contributions to retirement savings and investment arrangements, or come up with some combination of spending target cuts and contribution increases.


The Pew Research Center defines a member of the millennial generation as someone born between 1981 and 1996 — or someone who is turning between 26 and 41 this year.

The HealthView analysts simplified their projections by using a 35-year-old as a proxy for all millennials.

The analysts assumed that the 35-year-old was single; would have a full retirement age of 67; would begin claiming Social Security benefits at age 67; would live to age 87; and would collect the same benefits now projected by Social Security, with a 20% cut.

The analysts’ projections include the effects of projected cost-of-living adjustments.