Single mom & I need help figuring out what insurance to get.

Hi friends,

I know this is asked so much and I've gone through a ton of posts trying to figure out what's right for me.

Some demographics:

I'm 33F. I have a 7 month old daughter. I'm not married. I don't own my own house.

I have pre-existing conditions. Most notably, adrenal insufficiency (Addisons disease), which can cause death if it goes untreated/medicated.

I have a free $50,000 life insurance policy and $50,000 accidental death policy through my work.

My dad keeps telling me to get a whole life policy but I've learned through this sub that that's not recommended. Correct?

So if I were to get term insurance, what term life insurance should I get?

Will existing conditions cause any issues?

Should I also get insurance on my daughter?

I honestly just am lost & overwhelmed looking into all of this.

I just want my daughter to be taken care of if something happens to me and I'm not sure if I'll be at this company long term.

submitted by /u/hachicorp

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