Should I continue with a claim for AD&D?

Hi all. I (26F) lost my father earlier this year and I already received a check for whole life insurance, but the company opened a second claim for AD&D. They need a form signed to obtain information along with a list of physicians to continue the claim, but I’m a bit nervous to continue for the fact that I’m new to all of this and don’t want to do anything stupid.

My father passed away from accidental fentanyl toxicity and it was extremely unclear if he’d consumed any of his own accord, as the paramedics gave him fentanyl upon entering his home. I live out of state and to my knowledge, my father didn’t do drugs and he’d quit drinking. He didnt have the best crowd around him but even the medical records were SUPER dodgy about WHEN or HOW he overdosed.

During his hospital stay I also took pictures of several issues I saw regarding his care—things not hooked up properly, etc. it was horrendous.

Anyway, in case they were somehow able to prove he consumed fentanyl of his own accord, I’m nervous about whether the insurance company will ask for the initial check back retroactively? I desperately need it to survive because I missed so much work to take care of his matters, and travel/funeral costs ate away my entire life savings.

I also have NOTHING to do with his estate, but I am the sole beneficiary of his insurance policy. I’m pretty sure the estate is flat broke anyway, I have no idea. I have zero clue what has or will happen to any of his assets, such as home, vehicles, etc.

See also  Why is my Metlife claim taking so long to process?

My question is: would signing these papers and possibly getting an extra claim in hurt me more than help me with this situation? I don’t want to lose the money I already got and I have no idea if AD&D would have anything to do with the estate that’s likely insolvent? He lived in a state where probate was not required, either.

I don’t know. I’m an adult but I’m also barely that… I’d love to have some extra money to help me stay afloat during these hard times, but I don’t want to feel like greed bit me in the ass. If it’s best I leave it as is, that’s okay. I just have no idea how AD&D works and I know if my father were alive he’d hate my authorizing the company to go through all of his records—he wouldn’t even let me have his tax info for my FAFSA when I was younger because I “didn’t need that” 😂