Selling Leads as a personal vendor?
Hey guys, as the name suggests, I am wondering if you guys think selling leads to agents via personal sale is viable. I did a lot of research on the market and found company vendors that sell leads are not only overpriced, but do an insane amount of lead recycling. I originally saw this and a buddy of mine asked me if I could do something like this for him personally (I'm a tech guy in software, so that's why he's reached out to me). He's been getting a lot of sales off the leads I've been selling him and he said I should sell my leads to other people (we're good friends so he wanted to help me out with my potential business). The only catch, is we both agreed I shouldn't sell to his same department so he couldn't refer me to people.
I can tailor leads to whatever state or profession a buyer would like, so I was wondering if there is even a market for this personal sale. I think my leads are a lot better since I get them with my tool off databases that are actively updated. My leads are generally just phone number based (in general about 25% cell phone, the rest landline/VOIP), but you only pay for the numbers you buy. I would charge around .04 a lead (seeing the prices on big vendors, this is about 8-10x cheaper).
Is this viable? Does my pricing look right? Is there any place I can look to sell leads? Let me know!
submitted by /u/goatcheekss