Client meeting

What You Need to Know

Talk to the right people.
Offer great products and great service.
When people buy from you, talk to them again.

My favorite agent quote is common. It goes like this: “I just want to sell.”

Most agents can’t wait to tell you about the features of their “hottest” annuity product.

The reality is that most annuity agents aren’t marketing at the level they should be.

Selling is the result of marketing: Focusing more on marketing and great service will bring sales.

Set a marketing budget first, keep the clients you do get happy, and money for all the other expenses will follow.

1. Freshness

Ruts from the Oregon Trail are still visible in many locations.

Too many agents in the annuity business use strategies that are about as old.

Numerous tax, demographic, and investment changes each year allow for new selling opportunities.

If you do not keep up with the industry and with changes, then you risk the possibility that your clients will move beyond you.

2. Lead Generation

One thing that goes stale is how agents get the names of potential prospects.

For many agents, outsourcing lead generation to a professional marketing system could be a smart move.

3. Drip System

One place to seek leads is your client list.

Communicating regularly with existing clients is essential to gleaning additional business and quality referrals.

Many outside companies can help you accomplish this by putting out a monthly newsletter, making annual phone calls and sending out email announcements.

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And make sure you have a way to follow up with clients who are interested in hearing more.

4. Attitude

Many agents play the blame game and, in doing, so move from an aggressive marketing attitude to one where the atmosphere is negative.

These situations will expand to other agents, employees, and families.