Riskalyze Changes Its Name

As far as what firms Nitrogen will be competing against, he said: “They are not lead gen, so they do not compete directly with Snappy Kraken, FMG or Catchlight. The leads generated from those systems are fed into Nitrogen. So, the way that Nitrogen defines itself, I’m not sure who the direct competition is.”
Riskalyze first publicly alluded to its plans to rebrand at its Fearless Investing Summit last year and has selected the new name to “reflect the value wealth management firms are generating with its platform,” the company said.
Extensive research was done ahead of the brand change, Craig Clark, the firm’s chief marketing officer, said during the webcast.
“In June of last year, we engaged the services of Lexicon Branding,” a naming specialist. “You may not have heard of Lexicon, but you’ve definitely heard of the many brand names that they’ve created, including Swiffer, Fabrice, Microsoft Azure, Xbox Live” and Subaru Outback, he said.
“Creating a name for a company as storied as Riskalyze is a serious undertaking,” he conceded. “To guide our decision making, we did a great deal of research, testing, iterating, understanding what resonated with you, our customers. Many of you on the line today were part of that process…. Over the course of six months, we agonized over more than 40 names.”
The company selected Nitrogen “because it’s an absolutely essential element for growth,” he explained. “It exists everywhere in the soil from which the plants grow in the water that sustains life and in the air that we breathe. Like the element, [the] Nitrogen platform is essential for wealth management firms looking to drive consistent and scalable growth. Nitrogen helps you differentiate, tell your firm’s story and helps give you the tools to create a prosperous and empowering investing experience for your clients.”
(Pictured: Aaron Klein, co-founder and CEO of Riskalyze, which has changed its brand name to Nitrogen)