Retired senior citizen with no debt

TLDR – Am I correct that we should terminate this policy?

My widowed mother, age 62 has been paying $55/month on a 50k Primerica policy since 2010. She rents with a roommate, does not own property, and car is fully paid. No debt at all. Her income before retiring was less than $40k gross annual. My brother and I are grown; there is no one dependent on her income. I am doing well financially and the cost of a funeral is not a burden.

I care because I supplement her expenses so anything she wastes money on comes back to me in other forms. Her friends (uneducated, foreign, and even poorer than she) are all aghast that we are cancelling the policy because it’s so hard to get life insurance post-60. I explained to her that she is paying for something she doesn’t need because she has no expenses. She’s treating this like an inheritance and moaning that she will have nothing to leave us when she dies because she’s already poor. I assured her that we don’t care. I also know that’s not the purpose of life insurance but she’s not listening.

Now she’s harassing the crap out of me to not cancel it. Her post retirement income is going to be around $30k/year. Should she keep it?

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