Regulators Draft a Language for Hot Annuities

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The products are popular with life insurers because they can use relatively cheap, simple derivatives arrangements to provide the investment options and manage investment option risk, and they can use the basic product design and optional riders to provide as much or as little protection against loss of account value as they want to provide.

Regulators began developing the draft guideline because of concerns that, unlike a traditional variable annuity, the value of an ILVA contract before the term ending date is not tied to the market value of a specific value of stocks, bonds and investment funds, and ILVA market players have disagreed about how to calculate interim values, or even how to define the terms needed to talk about calculating interim values.

The ILVA Glossary

The current draft of the actuarial guideline defines 10 terms needed to talk about ILVA valuations.

Drafters have, for example, defined “index strategy” to mean “a method used to determine index credits with specified index or indices and cap, buffer, participation rate, spread, margin or other index crediting elements.”

The “index strategy term” is “the period of time from the term start date to the term end date over which an index changes and the index credit is determined.”

The term “interim value” means “the strategy value at any time other than the start date and end date of an index strategy term.”

Sticking Points

The reps from the ACLI and the Committee of Annuity Insurers said one concern is that the current draft appears to apply an interim “market value adjustment” only to ILVA contract partial withdrawals and ILVA contract surrenders

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The industry reps said drafters should allow for market value adjustments in other situations, such as situations involving the death of the annuity holders, annuitization of ILVA contract assets or transfers of assets from an ILVA account to a traditional variable annuity investment option.

(Image: Prostock-studio/Adobe Stock)