Premium Cost to Face Value ratio should not be a major focal point.

Biased opinion by a licensed agent

This thought was driven by a few posts that I read where, it felt like to me, consumers were searching for the most face value (coverage amount) based off of monthly cost (premiums). I absolutely advocate that the BEST policy is the one that is place when you need it most. If that means that you can only afford X amount of dollars/month then YES that is your target. You might not get the coverage amount you want but, you will be able to secure something that is extremely effective. You should speak with an agent that works with a carrier that has additional benefits, aka Riders, that ADD value. And not just a captive agent. Find yourself a broker that is contracted with multiple carriers that offer the same type of products. And it’ll will help if he knows about the more advanced ways to utilize Life Insurance.

Carriers have adapted to consumer requests constantly over the years. One of those is the Return of Premium Rider on Term products, even some carriers have them on Accidental policies. At the end of your policy term, 10-30yrs, you get every cent you put in over the term back and tax free of course. Imagine protecting your family’s legacy for $250/month for 30 years and when you out live the policy you get a lump sum payment of $90,000! Now you have the ability to purchase a paid up Whole Life policy, move that to an annuity or other investment vehicle, or just take it and spend how you choose. Another Rider is an Accelerated Benefit, or Living Benefits. If you’re ever diagnosed with a terminal illness, critical illness, or chronic illness you’re able to access the face value of your policy. This can help with medical bills, living expenses, or any other immediate needs for cash on hand. We had a client that used their Accelerated benefits to travel across the globe for experimental medical treatments to battle Stage 4 cancer. They’re still around to watch their children grow up today because of it.

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It is extremely beneficial to be able to find a policy that can provide hundreds of thousands of dollars for pennies on the dollar. Most of those are Accidental policies or a typical term that leaves you needing to find insurance when your older and have health issues. What would happen if you took the time and found a policy that actually provided value in the long term? It may cost your family a bit more initially but, the cost of not having the right type of policy in place is so much more detrimental.