I am applying for life/disability insurance from Northwestern Mutual. I am healthy, but in reading through my medical file, I am seeing all sorts of potential red flags. Should I preemptively write a letter explaining these or wait for a denial? Should I have my doctor do this? Should I wait for a denial and then appeal so as not to unnecessarily draw attention to these flags? Which would give me a higher likelihood of success?

The biggest issue I see has to do with ADHD and similar diagnoses, for which I took adderall (and trialed others) while studying in college. It's compounded because at different times by different people, I was given a different diagnosis for the same issue, but my file is written as if I have several concurrent psychiatric disorders. My life is unaffected and I no longer take medication – it was just while studying in college. Still, my file begins with a list of all these conditions and medications.

Depression is another one. I've never had clinical depression, but because it's a possible side affect of the medication, I took depression screeners every time I had a visit, and it almost always showed up positive for depression. It wouldn't anymore because the life circumstances that caused me to answer the way I did are no longer present, but still, that's what my record shows.

submitted by /u/unciatim12

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