Hello all,

I will be having a child in the next few months, and I am early 30s and married. I was looking into getting a term policy; however, I think I am in a unique position. I was thinking about filling out Policygenius, but at this point in time, I have no income. For background, I am a medical student who will be in about $500k debt in the next couple of years, with horrific APR. Currently have zero credit card debt and zero undergraduate debt, but unfortunately medical school is wildly expensive. I wanted to obtain an inexpensive life insurance policy in case something were to happen to me, I would want my wife and child to not be out of luck, especially with the debt I am taking on. Future career should start out around $300K salary, but that is still about 6 years away. With zero current income, I am not sure where to start. Should I be looking now, or wait until I have an income, and simply hope that nothing happens to me within the next 6 years or so. Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you.

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