Nonprofit receiving life insurance proceeds

Sorry if I’m posting in the wrong place! I’m the Treasurer (and the volunteer bookkeeper and go-to person for all things financial) of a small non-profit. We recently received notification that we were the beneficiary of someone’s policy. The problem is that absolutely nobody is familiar with the decedent, we are unable to locate an obituary online, and nobody with their last name appears in our donor database. From what we can tell, they may not have even been from the same state. We’ve filled out all the claim paperwork with the information we have; however, NY Life still insists they need a death certificate. Any idea how we go about getting a death certificate when we don’t know anything about the decedent and don’t have any direct relatives that could be contacted to obtain one from? I do see now that their was an agent (in North Carolina) on the original form, should I contact the agent and see if they might be able to divulge some information? Thanks!

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