No-Exam Stop Gap Policy Until Health Improved

Main Question

Is there any downside (beside premium cost/coverage limitations) to getting no exam term coverage as a temporary solution until health is improved? Most importantly, would getting the no-exam policy now have any potential impact on a future application that requires and exam? Is there anything we aren’t considering?

Full Background

My wife [40F] and I [36M] are exploring life insurance options, but we both have concerns related to our health. We are each currently at the heaviest (BMIs ~30) and least healthy we have ever been. Basically, we fell into a no exercise/poor diet rut during the shutdown and never got out of it. We suspect the results of a physical exam at this time would not produce a positive result and could even lead to diagnosis of certain conditions related to our weight and poor diet. I also get very nervous about doctor visits and would prefer my health to be better before seeing one. My idea is to get a no-exam policy as a stop gap measure while we work to improve our health, then apply for an exam policy within the next year. I know that realistically, we are not going to become beacons of health, but we have both committed to sustained healthy diet and exercise regimens in the past, so I am confident that we can actually improve our health in a meaningful way.

Additional Details

Aiming for $1.5-2M in coverage each

Purpose is just to cover mortgage and leave the survivor in a comfortable position

No kids and no plans to have kids

Both non-smokers

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