I call this form of marketing "pop up events." In this marketing form I purchase signs, a table, and I randomly show up at high population areas to entice the sell of life insurance as well as whatever else I'm marketing. For example I was in a "geto" like strip mall where I set up shop. I was surprisingly kicked out in less than 5mins.

Now I randomly showed up a wal mart and set up shop there. In my mind I was thinking I would have a line of people begging for my services, but not one person has approached me so far. I've been at it for 30mins and it's hot outside, which may be a factor in people not being thirsty for my services.

In a way I am a Predator but instead of active seeking I am waiting for my prey to come into my web. Strangely enough I've been seeing spiders much more actively during this time of the year and I've been caught in their web several times.

submitted by /u/UsuSepulcher

See also  Life and Annuity Talking Points for the Fall