Need life insurance, seeking help with the basics.

Thx in advance for reading. We’re noobs to life insurance and seeking guidance. Married couple with 10-year-old child.

M/52/hypertension/smokes/6’1”, 269. He’s working out a lot and losing weight. used to be 280. I’m the male.

F/46/high A1C/high BMI, but not off the charts. She’s also getting into nutrition/fitness.

F is the breadwinner. M handles school drop-off, tennis, laundry, home improvements, taking out every piece of trash/recycling, asking about life insurance on Reddit. Stay-at-home dad for short.

We’re in great shape financially. Paying a low-interest mortgage on our house in San Diego. Property is cash-flow positive because we built a separate rental house on it. Plan is to leave the property to our child when we die. She’ll be set up pretty well.

But if we lost my wife tomorrow, we’d be screwed. If we lost me, it’d be a big loss, but not irreplaceable.

Anyway, we need some life insurance. Thinking term for the dad for eight years? I won’t be that necessary after that (child will be 18). But what about my wife? Apologies for all the details. Thx again for reading and any advice about where to start.

submitted by /u/alien_smithee

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