Ok I have been working for an ins co. for the start of 3 mnths this week. Now when I got this job in the interview it was advertised to me that if I work 40hrs. a week i could make 4 grand, now not knowing anything but that it was s a remote position, I thought I can do that EASY!!!!! So I took the job found out I had to get my life and health ins license, so I did.. As soon as i do the company pairs me up with someone for training, Now I got this job and took it cuz I had bills to pay I own my own home in Tn, that i bought out of my dead sons lawsuit money I got from him dieing unfairly and at the age of 16. Now thinking I have found an awesome place to work I did not know 3 mnths later that I was not gonna make a single dollar working 60 to 70 hours a week making and booking calls for my mentor who was supposed to be training and teaching me everything about the business. Now I have taught myself all the while working his leads and i have jst gotten good enough to book the calls and he makes me present the benefits as part of my training and takes over and does the application and collects the money, now this is the condition I have to do to be released on my own in the company. Now granted none of this was advertised in the interview. He gets his leads for free from the company and I will too once Im released, which he keeps nit picking my presenting to keep from releasing me. I made 898 calls for him last week and he got the credit for my work and said nothing, he didnt even work 1 day!!!!!So now I got this job to catch up my house note and not loose my house which my dead son paid for and my mentor knows this and offered to give me a very small payment for the work I have done, which I did not receive. I have now had to file ch.13 on my home 2 weeks ago and ended up pawning all my jewelry 3 days ago to cut my lights back on cuz Im drowning trying not to loose this house, and have sunk a grand into my license to sale permanent life ins for this company. Dnt get me wrong I am not downing the co by no means but my mentor has yet to have taught me anything nor has he paid me for any of my work at 60 to 70 hrs a week 6 days a week for 8 weeks straight, knowing my situation. Trust me I have griped and pleaded to be released and he will not release me to get my own leads. I am stuck and now Im seeing I can buy my own leads on line and I am willing to invest the money beings I am so deep into this now but I need fresh leads that havent been worked to the point that the customer dsnt even want the insurance from being bugged so much already. I am so stuck and so invested that this is all I know that I can do. I have my license in 6 states now and jst need someone honest to sale me some leads to work so i can now pay the 13 I am in and not loose my home and everything my dead son has invested into this and everything go in vain and down the drain. I understand I am probably asking for alot, but I am praying one person will hear my plea and can guide me somewhere to where I can help myself and get out of this hole cuz the company is now asking me to recruit and do the same thing to smbdy else that has been done to me and I refuse so now Im making myself an outsider not scamming and lieing to people that need a paychk to work and make mine for me. Can smbdy plz advise or help lead me in a direction, I am far from rich but I will pay what i can to get my own work.. Please, please, anybody, somebody I jst need one honest soul like myself and hope I can turn the tables for myself before i loose everything all the while my mentor has got to pay his bills and then some due to my dedication and the fact that I am loyal and not a quitter which my mentor wants me to do so he can feel better about what he has done to me.. Sry this is soo long it has been one of the hardest longest 3 mnths of my life next to burying my son 9 yrs ago…Momma_In_Tn

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