Long story short I was raised by someone who is not my biological father. I currently reside in Alabama and he lived in Georgia. Unfortunately, almost 2 years ago he was involved in an accident with a drunk driver and passed away in the. State of Florida. Before his death he asked me for my social security number and address and told me it was for life insurance purposes. He also brought it up multiple times after telling me that when he passed away I along with his 3 nieces and nephews would be set up quite nicely. When he passed away I believe there was an issue with his will (it wasnt signed or something?) and his brother immediately moved into his house and took possession of his things. I didn’t think much of it at all. Recently I was having lunch with his niece and she let it spill that she was buying a house with her portion of life insurance. None of his family has contacted me regarding a policy. It could be that he never really added me on to begin with, which stings a little considering HE is the one that told me he was and I never asked. My question is could they be keeping me from my portion of the policy? What should I do to be sure if I cannot just straight up ask his family? I really do not care about the money, but I would care if it’s something they are intentionally keeping from me. Please advise on the best steps to resolve this issue.

submitted by /u/ouchmyfingerohno

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