Nearing the end of my term insurance

I’m in my mid-40s, currently one child. I took out a $500K 20 year term policy about 16 years ago. Between that policy and the extra life coverage I get from work, I felt pretty happy with the coverage I had.

But with a second child on the way, I’m feeling a lot less confident with the amount of coverage I have…especially with my current policy nearing the end of its term. Ideally I would love to add more term coverage (I’m not a believer in whole/universal). But I know it’s going to be much more expensive now, versus the cost in my late 20s.

I’ve tried using several online calculators to estimate how much coverage I need, but I’ve gotten quite different results. Plus there are a few gray areas with those calculators’ definitions …I’m not sure if I’m inputting the exact info they want. So I would feel better getting a professional opinion.

What is the best way to find a life insurance expert/broker who is also a fiduciary? I want someone who isn’t motivated to sell me more insurance than I need, just to make a bigger commission. I’m happy to pay someone for their time, if it means getting an impartial recommendation on coverage amounts and the best companies to get quotes from.

submitted by /u/sixfourthreeguy

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