LPL Picks Up $1.45B Advisor Team From Wells Fargo

LPL Financial sign in San Diego

“By going independent and joining the Carnegie team, we’ll have shared resources, knowledge and information to help better serve my clients and ensure they’re taken care of well into the future,” Mayfield said in a statement.

“It’s going to be a tremendous group of people working together. I’ve known the other Carnegie advisors for a long time and we share the same culture and family-centric values,” he added.

While planning the next chapter of their business, the advisors “sought more flexibility and independence, as well as enhanced technology and improved communication with clients,” LPL said, adding that the Carnegie team plans to “quickly expand its service model to offer more tailored experiences for corporate executives and business owners.”

Advisors who join Strategic Wealth gain access to LPL’s integrated wealth management platform, as well as ongoing strategic support for daily operations and long-term business management, the firm said. They also benefit from an integrated service model that LPL said includes simplified pricing, technology and dedicated support to launch their practice.

LPL now serves more than 21,000 advisors, including advisors at about 1,100 enterprises and at about 500 registered investment advisor firms across the U.S., it said.

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