Lost life insurance paperwork how can I find my grandmother’s policy?

TL;DR: Lost my grandmother’s life insurance paperwork. Can’t get her death certificate or find policy details. Considering emailing insurance companies in D.C. for help. Any advice?

I’m going to try to keep this short while being as clear as possible. My grandmother had me sign paperwork back in 2016 for life insurance making me(18 at the time) the beneficiary. There was some things that happened and I became estranged from my family, but she kind of kept in contact with my paternal grandmother and the last time they talked, she sent over the paperwork. My problem is I don’t remember where said paperwork is and cannot find it. What are my options? I cannot receive the death certificate without the insurance paperwork. I don’t know her Social Security number. The most I have at this point is the database of companies allowed to practice in the District of Columbia. Should I just send out emails to every company and see? She passed in March so I can’t search the unclaimed money database yet either. Any help will be greatly appreciated

submitted by /u/Training-Newspaper-6

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