Lost insurance policy – what do I do?

Hi there,

In January 2021, my father passed away. He had worked in roofing and was part of a sheet metal workers union. This union held an insurance policy at a local company. Shortly after his passing, I (his son, only next of kin) received the benefit package in the mail which basically enclosed the policy #, as well as other confidential information pertaining to what he left behind for me. I gave the insurance company a call, I was basically given a run around and was told my only option is to go through probate, being 21 at the time and severely grief stricken, this was enough to put me into a poor state and well, I gave up.

Flash forward to now, I have the supports around me to look into this matter and really advocate for myself. I called the company again in the last month and they are telling me they cannot send me a copy of the original letter that was mailed (and addressed) to myself. Beyond that, I have reached out to my local legal education resource and I’m being told that if I am the beneficiary, there should be no need to go through probate. Now given that I was mailed this package after my father’s passing, does that not indicate I am the beneficiary? Is it a matter of going down there and proving my identity? Are they allowed to withhold a copy of mail that was sent to me? Can I request a copy of my father’s insurance policy? Long story short, In recent years I had faced a ton of challenges, one of which was my apartment being robbed and completely ransacked.. leaving me without any of my father’s paperwork, nay a photo of him ( I have the death certificates though). I am feeling really left in the dark here without a clue of where to go, I feel I am in over my head. Even if I went through probate I have no idea of the type of policy or anything, they simply won’t work with me. All in all I am really looking for some guidance here, this whole situation has been a massive headache and I just want to lay this matter to rest once and for all. I will be heading down to the insurance company in person in the next coming days, I’m unsure of what my rights are and what I can request so please give me an idea of what I should do.

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-I am aware of the OLHI, I haven’t tried calling them yet but I have attempted the online search to no avail.