Life Insurance – Senior Parent Female

Recent events have made it known to me that my mother does not have any form of life insurance. This is from a long list of issues I was not aware of among many others…

I am in the process of cleaning up this mess… but life insurance in some form is on my list…

77 YOA Female, non tobacco ever, there is some type of heart conditions to which I am not fully aware…I know she has implanted device for her heart and bio link which sends data to the maker about this device.

Burial is PRE PAID, via Neptune. Paid in full.

She OWNS the home, its 100% paid.

Debts – HER debts be it credit cards, have been paid in full, no outstanding debts or medical bills at this time..

I'd like to find "life" insurance in what ever form I can that is

1) AFFORDABLE – YES! I know this is a contradiction at this age, etc… I am stuck with the situation I have, and have to play the hand dealt…

2) Coverage – I 'd like $50k-100K, BUT based on what I've seen from places.. this is NOT doable at least as one policy at those values.. due to extortionist pricing ( You can disagree with this all you like, even for my self getting this for my age, no medical issues, outside work is extortion priced. We can skip this debate, it does none of us any good.)

3) I am not sure how the "heart/coronary" issue may play into getting accepted in a policy regardless of type… but I know this may force things into those "guaranteed" acceptance polices. I know she did qualify to get a "extended" medicare insurance policy that my father with major medical issues did not.

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4) REPUTABLE COMPANIES – I know that all those scammy companies (Colonial Penn, etc) that my grandparents etc. got mail from, 50 YEARS AGO!, about $9 gets you a $BAZILLON policy is a bunch of hoeey, and I see these places are still around doing the same schtick…. sighhhh…

5) REFUND of PAYMENTS AND INTEREST/ACCRUED VALUE if they outlive the policy, would be a plus, but I may be pushing it with this one. It is not a hard requirement, but it would be nice..


I am not opposed to getting several $10K to $20K etc. policies to meet my desired budget. NO I am not listing that, period.

So what I am after is where are the "reputable" ( I know I know..) insurance companies to provide these policies be it term, whole, guaranteed acceptance, even final expenses even though this is really taken care, and I am in charge now to ensure there are no debts ie: credit cards etc.. YES I have POA.

I've been pointed to many sites via my own searches, and mail that my parent did receive, all which want contact information to pester people with emails, calls! NOPE! Not happening! This includes Choice Mutual, Globe Life etc. Yeah I get that is their scam to cold call people, in 2024 time to get over it.. Let me put in the data on things, and get rates. The stuff in the mail is actually better that the online stuff as it mostly does provide this…

So suggestions on companies and types… again I'd like to end up with $50-100K be it a single face value or multiple at multiple companies, and even more if I can make the $$$ budget fit…

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Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/llzellner