Life Insurance Recovering Addict 6 years clean

Hello, I’m here to hopefully get some insight from people familiar or have been through similar situation.

Backstory, I am a 33M recovering addict coming up on 6 years clean in November. I was addicted to opiates (heroin). Went to detox, holding, inpatient rehab, sober house and then managed the sober house for a year before I moved out. I am not on any medications and do not smoke or drink. I originally applied for life insurance through USAA. Got the medical done , was in the top tier for my premium. Got word back they found out things in my medical record and was told I would still get it but the premium would just be higher. Then I was flat out denied. I then went to a local insurance agency and was honest about everything. The agent was a recovering alcoholic with 30+ sober years so he said he would fight hard to get it done. Unfortunately he has medical issues and had to take time off and never got back to me. I am now working with a new insurance agency. One of the biggest and best in our area. The agent knows everything and was/is confident he will find me life insurance. He said they all look for 5 years of clean time, which I have. I was denied by the first insurer after the phone call when I told them about my past addiction. He said he is going through a bunch of others he thinks are good fits. This has been going on for 2 months now and we still aren’t getting anywhere. I assume he has been getting getting denied by others and is just going down the line trying others. I understand the concern and why it’s a struggle to get me an insurer, But I also feel like I should be able to get approved. With over 5 years clean, being young and passing medical. I have 3 kids and a wife, a successful business, home, etc. Has anyone ever seen or heard of anyone in my situation get approved? Or anyone in my situation get approved? Any insights/suggestions from experience would be great. This is very important to me and I want to try all avenues before giving up. Thanks for any help.

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