Life insurance- questions abt underwriting while in therapy

We are about to apply for life insurance for my spouse and I have a few questions. I recently started online therapy sessions (billed through my medical insurance) and during my sessions I may have said things that have negative implications about my spouse (I.e. drinking too much imo). Will the insurance company underwriters ever access my mental health notes now or in the future to affect my spouse’s policy??

Also, is there a mental health diagnosis (code) that is least likely to cause red flags on my own life insurance application? Would the duration of my own therapy be a factor (for example I only have 3 sessions vs weekly sessions for a year). I just wanted to use therapy as a way to improve myself and work through life changes but I’m unsure of what diagnosis code my therapist used, probably something along the lines of anxiety.

I am super paranoid because I have been burned in the past by disability insurance underwriting accessing my mental health records many, many years ago and stupidly forgot about this.

TIA for any advice!

submitted by /u/throwrawayredditacct

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