Life Insurance For Juvenile Diabetes Applicants in 2022

Life Insurance For Juvenile Diabetes Applicants in 2022

Last Updated on January 3, 2022

Anyone who has adverse health issues knows that it can be difficult to qualify for life insurance. Oftentimes, insurers will take extra precautions, as those with certain conditions can pose a higher likelihood of claims.

In order to avoid such risk, insurers will usually charge an applicant a higher amount of premium for their coverage, or they may even deny them for coverage altogether. Getting life insurance for juvenile diabetics can be difficult, so let us help you find the best life insurance for diabetics.

Those who have been diagnosed with juvenile diabetes can have a particularly hard time finding life insurance coverage. One reason for this is because statistics have shown that poor blood sugar control can lead to other, more serious health conditions such as heart disease, kidney damage, neuropathy, strokes, and more.

The good news is, though, that the best juvenile life insurance companies can be found by looking in the right place. You can still obtain life insurance for type 2 diabeticswhole life insurance for diabetics, or no exam life insurance for diabetics. If you are looking to qualify diabetic children for life insurance, we are here to help you!

What The Insurance Company Wants To Know

When submitting your application for life insurance coverage in a juvenile life insurance companies, the underwriters will typically want additional information about your juvenile diabetes statistics in order to determine the extent of the risk that you may pose to the insurance company.

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The factors that are considered regarding your condition will usually include the following:

At what age you were initially diagnosed with diabetes Your condition’s level of control (This can be checked through an A1C test that measures your long-term blood sugar control. The lower the number, the better. A number in the range of 7.0 is usually preferable.) The type of medication you use for your diabetes (insulin, oral, or both) Your overall health, including any complications that you have as a result of your diabetes

The underwriters will also review other factors, as well, such as your:

Age Gender Height and weight Blood pressure Cholesterol level Family health history Smoking habits/tobacco usage Occupation and income (if applicable) Hobbies

Once the underwriters are able to review all of the criteria, they will make a determination regarding whether or not to approve your application for coverage. If your application for diabetic children for life insurance is approved, your policy will then be assigned to a particular rating class. Based on these juvenile diabetes statistics, this is how the premium rate that you pay will be determined.

Getting Better Rates On Life Insurance With Juvenile Diabetes

While those who have juvenile diabetes can still oftentimes qualify for life insurance coverage, it will be important to have your condition well under control – with one of the most important criteria being your A1C levels.

Your “build” can also be an important factor in qualifying for life insurance for diabetic children. This refers to your overall weight as it relates to your height. If you are considered as overweight, then you may be required to pay an additional amount of premium for your policy.

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Other issues like high blood pressure and hypertension will also factor into your policy qualification criteria, as will the type of medications that you take. For example, taking insulin rather than oral medication will oftentimes place you into a lower rating classification.

While there are many additional factors to be aware of when applying for life insurance for diabetic children, by knowing what to look for, you will have an advantage and can take the extra steps that are needed to help your application become approved for the coverage that you need.

Taking The Next Step

If you have juvenile onset diabetes or you have a child with juvenile diabetes and are seeking life insurance for diabetic children, the best next step is to work with a company that can help you find the right insurance carrier for your specific needs.

At we work with many of the top-rated insurance companies in the marketplace today, and we’re familiar with which carriers are more accepting of certain types of risks. Let us help to point you in the right direction – essentially saving you time and frustration – and helping to ensure that you get approved with diabetic children for life insurance protection that you need more quickly.

We can also help you to compare diabetic life insurance quotes from numerous carriers. By filling out the form on this page you can get the process started. And, should you have any questions regarding quotes, coverage, or juvenile life insurance companies in general, please feel free to give us a call, toll-free, at 800-470-4122 and we’ll be happy to help.

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