Life insurance and (premeditated) suicide

According to this article it would cost $15 a month for a healthy 30 year old woman to be insured for $1 million. And that’s for a 10 year term.

Considering insurance companies will pay out in case of suicide as long as the death occurs after at least 1-2 years, one could theoretically take out a life insurance for let’s say 3 years, then commit suicide after 2 years and make millions of dollars for their family/loved ones.

If the above numbers are correct, then I assume it would take around $150 a month to be insured for $10 million, $1500 a month to be insured for $100 million, etc.

I’m curious to what the actual numbers are and if there are any known cases where this has been done.

If only a few people did this, could it bankrupt an insurance company?

If someone where to put their entire life savings into a policy (say $10 000 a month), he could theoretically make billions? So there are probably limitations?

If someone were to put a charity or political organization as the beneficiary, he could alter the course of history?

PS I’m not suicidal or anything. Wherever I tried looking this up, people always assumed the OP was. I’m only curious about the mechanics of this and what the implications could be for society.

See also  The Easy Way to get Life Insurance Seniors over 60