Ladder Life Experience – Soliciting Opinions

Hi All, I'd like to solicit some opinions on my experience with Ladder Life. I'm a healthy 44M (no tobacco, no drugs, light drinker) and I filled out the questionnaire honestly. At the end of questionnaire it gave me an expected policy cost (it shows the daily cost / billed monthly) and the site implied that this would be my rate or it may be lower.

After submitting the application, I was approved but at a rate that was double from what was shown. Immediately after that I got emails and texts from Ladder congratulating me on getting approved and encouraging me to confirm coverage. In my opinion, it felt very "bait-and-switch" so I contacted them and told them to just delete my application.

What is your experience with/perception of Ladder Life?

Is this just how life insurance pricing goes / did I overreact?

I'm open to any thoughts from the community.

PS – I've contacted an independent broker in my area and will see how that goes. I think I'll be much more comfortable talking with a human directly than going through a website.

submitted by /u/SuboptimalRedditor

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