Just sold my first life insurance policy today

I swear selling life insurance people really need to be thirsty for life insurance with all of these health questions. But my client was EXTREMELY THIRSTY and I fed her water from my canteen out in the blazing sun.

So I was riding around hunting people for ACA policies, but I've been pushing "life insurance" a bit more. I roll down my window next to a Taco Bell and was like… Yo. You guys want some health/life insurance? One lady was like no thanks, but the other one. MAN SHE WAS HUNGRY.

Let's just say after it was all said and done I sold her a nice policy with guaranteed convertibility that way she can switch it to a whole life later down the road in life for 250k face amount.

She pays about $40 a month for the term policy, which is double the amount most people pay but she does smoke so you get what I feed you ya know.

Overall an excellent deal. I mean you can't beat it baby. She also has additional living benefits along with the automatic terminal illness benefit so chronic benefits and such.

My first policy baby feels kinda like it took way too long for me to write one to be honest, but I've only been independent for like a little over a month now and I've been slowing down because I've been all around my state and I'm working on different marketing strategies with the money I have from my gas station job. My commissions haven't came through yet so I don't know whats going on.

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submitted by /u/UsuSepulcher